
2 things...

I just posted above you before I read your detailed analysis. Basically I had rhumatic fever when I was in 3rd grade and was diagnosed with Tourette's syndrome. I had to take amoxicilin every day for 10 years to make sure I did not contract step throat again. I also have to take medicine everytime I go to the dentist

I actually have Tourette's syndrome and was diagnosed when I was in 3rd grade (am 28 now). It happnened after I had a rheumatic fever, which aparently affects the base of the brain where it meets the spine (which controls the motor functions in your body) and can also affect many other areas of the body. Rheumatic

At the end is where your analogy falls apart.

Who took a dump in your Cornpuffs this morning? I find his comments quite ammusing. He just says what is on everyone's mind, but in a much more delightful way.

Nah....thats just called your data plan.

I like to call that closed minded.

Well....everyone but the 99%.

Because certain companies require you to not have a camera on your phone (think outside the box a little bit...defense contractors, certain branches of the military, etc.).

But Woz is awesome. Nuff' said.

He didn't say it was ok (because it wasn't). He simply stated, as you quoted, that he could afford to be an asshole.

"have a touchpad that has email." Fixed it for you.

Per your inital comment - "I was charged it twice in two weeks one. HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN? How can they justify doing a 'restoral' twice in a month?!"

It looks like something I would find in the Target home section. Beauty is clearly in the eye of the beholder on this one.

I think everyone who wants to use webOS should all start pooling their resources and make an offer to purchase the OS from HP. Like a Kickstarter project to buy an OS and create a company that would develop for it. Just a thought (and I would be happy to take those donations and make an offer ;) ).

You're kinda retarded.....aren't you.

You forgot to sacrifice a virgin Android phone....everyone always forgets to sacrifice a virgin Android phone.

So you are saying "Pay money for a device and do not expect much else from that purchase"? That seems almost on the side of stupidity to me. If I am paying money for my phone (as a consumer), I want the most out of that money. This is based on the view that operating systems in general recieve updates on a periodic

Define power user?

Change the name to BIM....brownie in motion (if you catch my drift)... ;)