
Also I think most corporations would most likely not be part of a class action lawsuit. They would either negotiate with RIM directly and get some sort of kickbacks because of it, or would take RIM to court themselves.

I just love when the people who prefer Android always say that people who buy iPhones are less tech savvy. Tell me son, what have you done in your life that is sooooo goddamned tech savvy? Install CyanogenMod? You must be special. Or do you actually write code for a living, manage a data center, a sys admin? This is a

Mexico man...Mexico.

Definitely agree. I find a lot of the commenters are forgetting that this is a blog and blogs are typically based on opinion.

Next time....try reading the article.

Aircrack-ng and pipe that shit to John the Ripper and let it do its thing.

Or you could understand that this is an opinion based article. To some, the iPhone 4s is the best phone, to others it is not.

Facts..who needs 'em.

No...hes just a fan of R. Kelly.

I believe that the main cause of the disparity between the top and bottom is not the individuals with all the money (i.e. the 400 people that make up the top), it is that there are a lot of companies that have capital have been saving it rather than spending it on hiring back the employees into the positions they have

Its actually everyone making it harder on everyone else. Its hard to argue that being audited for SOX compliance by external auditors, internal, and other clients gets to be a bit burdensome on a company and its resources (i.e. emoloyees).

SOX is about auditing risk out of an evnironment. Not necessarily the best way to go about things. I worked for one of the Big 4 performing the IT audits and that was a nightmare anytime we had to deal with SOX.

He must have gotten the iPhone cofused with Android. Happens to the best of us. ;)

I believe that is because they call it retail price. You pay what they want to charge, not what it costs to make the device in hardware alone.

Sooooo....ummmm....yeah, sex is cool.

I thought grappling hook too. Holy crapoly that looks scary. But if my wife wants to use it I say all the more power to her.

For example, inbreeding. Enough said.

Thank you for adding nothing to this conversation.

I just find it funny that on every article about Apple the "others" seem to feel the need to comment rudely. While on the "others" articles, you barely see any semblance of an argument from the Apple folk. That pretty much paints a picture of how smart and well balanced these "other" individuals are.

I will open a Kickstarter page to get this produced.