
I thought it was a little long...about 1:25 too long.

More importantly, the guy from Sons of Anarchy...much better reference.

So basically all you eat are gingers?

The problem with your statement is that you are assuming that both animals and humans have ethics and morals, when in fact they do not. Humans do bad things because we choose to do them, we kill because we can. Animals kill because they are hungry or scared, not beacuse they enjoy it.

That is cheap. I have 930 sq. ft. condo and it cost me that price. Someone tell Sam I'll go halfsies on the property as long as I can build me a White Castle on one side of said island.

Or Pewbes.

Honestly, I don't take anything personally (especially debating topics online as it is hard to iterate emotion through these posts). I think we are all missing that there are 2 topics at hand. 1. Apple creates jobs and 2. Apple buys and enforces patents. 1 is inhernetly good, 2 is inherently bad (based on the nature

You know are right. I have learned the error of my ways. Businesses are inherently bad and could never provide any rational economic benefit. Wile I do understand your trolling, I was more pointing to the fact that the intricacies of the sarcasm you used was to imply that Apple was not providing for the

Trust me kid, I am not the one who is mad.

Are you seriously that blind or just stupid?

Did everything just taste purple for a second?

I don't have a problem with weed itself, only with those who abuse it. The same goes for alcohol. I think it should be legal as long as everyone has the ability to be responsible when using any substance that can alter their ability to drive. Too many idiots drink and drive and making weed legal would only lend to

The streets of NY could use a nice bath.

Try reading the article next time.

Why not a falcon?

I feel its easier to just not have a kid. Besides the fact that there are so many problems in the world, I can rest easier knowing I do not have a child to worry about, nor money to spend.

In the Hancock Tower myself.....very stange feeling, it woke me up from my afternoon nap....umm, meeting. ;)

I also found it hilarious.

You do realize that Verizon is paying for medical and retirement in its current state (for all of it). What they are looking to do is require the workers to contribute for their own medical premiums and potentially have to pay a co-pay to make the medical insurance cheaper overall. The issues that I see with this is

So much yes....Eventually, I feel people will realize this, but it may be all too late.