
Your name fits perfectly with this article.

I am not promoting the Chinese government. They are the root cause of everything that is wrong with China, both their inaction to defend human rights and their actions to stomp out free speech. Did I ever say anything about the redeeming qualities of the government? I am talking about the people of China, the

Considering I am more of an animals rights activist than anything else, I donate both my time and money to support the Animals Asia foundation to help educate and change the way children and adults in China view and respect animals. However, I am not ignorant to the fact that 1 person cannot change everything. It

I think fashion should be the last thing on his mind. How about he uses that intellect for something greater (oh right, he has). I always find it funny how the people who are the ugliest on the inside feel the need to put down people who don't dress as well as they think they should.

Win....I hear it can also cure cancer!!

I support the kinds of people in China who are trying to make a difference from within (i.e. most of the younger generation). Rather than spewing your hatered and misunderstanding of their culture and why they do those things you mention, maybe you could do a little more research. But then again, when people are as

I will hate you forever for that....holy christ thats awful.

Im going out on a limb here...but I am guessing that even the kids who get bullied are making fun of her.

You also have to realize that this is news coming from South Korea. China and SK are not on the best of terms considering all the controversy with North Korea.

Ignorant comments such as yours are why commenting on articles should be a privilege and not a right. The only one who will be f' you in the ass as you watch China become the top world power. Lets not be ignorant to that little fact of life. But hey, to each his own.

Wow...I can't even believe the ignorance of some people. While I do agree on the premise of what you are saying (i.e. that China does have an issue with animal rights), but lets get something straight. They are a superpower who are still primarily agrarian with industrial mixed. The reason they have so many

A - You watch the credits?

The customers should in turn cancel their mobile plans....even more problems solved. ;)

Actually I was posting to your original reply and did not happen to see your later one. I absolutely know nothing about you personally and actually could give a shit less and if I was to atually threaten you, I would make it more clear.

Its a little different feeling that we get from the shock collar than a dog would get. Maybe next time you can try considering the size of the dog versus the size of a human. I absolutely believe that shock collars and whoever invented them are pieces of shit. Seriously, everyone complaining that they use them to keep

Actually, all that chart shows is market share based on Q1 2011 sales. I really keep saying that what we need is a picture of total install base of a given OS. Also, I see a lot of times we are comparing an OS (Android) to hardware (iPhone). However, that chart accurately portrays OS (Android) to OS (iOS), which is

@KamWrex - I would take what you said with a grain of salt. The Chinese military complex is vastly superior to what you see in the news. The feeling in China as of this day is that they are going to war with the US. The people are scared to go to war, but will do what must be done. Trust me on this one, I speak from

The numbers I provided account for total number of devices (iPhones, iPads, and iPod Touch). Source: [] For Android, at the Google I/O event they mentioned on one of the slides that total number of devices are over 100 million and approx. 400k activations/day. Source: [] Again these

@verditsgerman: I am not so sure on your comment about Android outselling iOS by double. Are we considering all iOS and all Andrioid devices (i.e. Tables, phones, etc.)? As of March 2011 Apple has a total of 160,026,000 devices sold (including iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch). Whereas I can't find any real concrete