As someone who has worked in hosting and internet security... Please don’t host your own email server unless you really know what you are doing. There are so many ways to abuse improperly setup email servers as sources of malicious internet traffic.
As someone who has worked in hosting and internet security... Please don’t host your own email server unless you really know what you are doing. There are so many ways to abuse improperly setup email servers as sources of malicious internet traffic.
Well, if you use a custom domain, you can switch over to whatever is current. There will always be someone offering hosted email services. This way, the address would be retained. As long as the service doesn’t shut down without warning, you should see no real loses.
Pegging the choice of programmers to Windows is an odd statement. People usually use the platform needed for the programming they do. That means there are many Windows programmers out there targeting the many Windows users, but also a ton of Mac programmers targeting the very large iOS market. And for programmers who…
I have been getting into shortcuts, but I have run into a strange issue that makes me think I am not using them right. I found a string that I want read out to me. If I use the Speak Text block, it will read out the input when I activate the shortcut as a widget, but not when I ask Siri to run the shortcut. You would…
I haven’t actually implemented any shortcuts yet, but I did some digging through the options and was surprised at some of what I found. I am especially interested in thinking up uses for the “Run Script Over SSH” block, which allows you to log into SSH, run a list of commands to stdin, and retrieve the output from…
Pros: They are not boats and can leave the water...
I will be holding out hope for a mid-cycle iPhone SE successor. It needs to be as small as an iPhone SE, with specs at least as good as an SE, plus a bump to the A12. Now that Apple is off the small phone business, I don’t know what to do when my SE needs replacing... (Of course, if I am lucky about damage, that…
I have noticed Mastodon before, and I like the idea. But I don’t feel like I entirely get it. How do you find instances that hold value to you? If you join the main instance and just look at the local feed, it is a fire hose of gibberish.
I said nothing about stealing. You said:
At restaurants where they work the soda tap for you, I can count on one hand the numbers of times I have been charged for soda water (and I drink a lot of soda water). It seems pretty common to me that unflavored, carbonated water is considered water. You say you have never been to such a restaurant, but I wonder if…
Doesn’t get much more first world than Manhattan...
Food labeling rules like this are intended to prevent consumer confusion. I may be wrong, but I can’t imagine there is much consumer confusion in this regard. Sure, if you had a carton in the dairy aisle with just the word “MILK” in big letters and a little tiny “made from soy beans” at the bottom, that would be…
S-10 Blazer (in a two door 4x4 with the 4.3L engine) is not so terrible for the Blazer legacy. You can always take a sawzall to the roof...
But... that might change fast if every dummy on the road had a nuclear device in the car. I agree that nuclear power is better/cleaner/safer... as long as it is in nuclear power plants.
Believe it or not, transporting 5 adults is easier than 1 adult and 1 baby. Hatchbacks might be ideal cars before you have kids, but then wagons become significantly more ideal... Now if only someone would make more wagons.
I have been really into the uni-ball ONYX (0.5mm) lately. The ink can bleed through a little bit on the cheapest of paper, but I rarely have a problem with it. The tip feels just right to me; after a while of writing with these, I can’t go back to supposedly “fine” (0.7mm) pens.
Is 12oz really important? I see 16oz ones all over the place. My current one came free, it was promo merch from the local port authority. It seems like it would be fine to leave 4oz of air in it...
Looks nice, but I have a really visceral reaction against mail clients that require some sort of login. They justify it with added features, but all I really want is a good desktop UI for mail that fits within the email spec.
There are a couple of reasons, for people who are interested in the general state of security: