
I am mostly excited, but saddened because I don't like the UI direction any major OS is taking. Metro seems bad for mouse/keyboard productivity, Unity is too resource heavy for Linux, and I have no idea what is going on in the minds of the OS X team.

I finished mine. It is pretty good (only 2 hooks though). I don't have anywhere to hang such a thing... But it was a fun little project. It took a lot more work to get that spoke in than I had hoped :p

Upon seeing this posted. I started working a broken bike spoke into the core of a length of nylon rope. Once it is in there, I will bend it into the shape of 2 or 3 hooks. Not too tough, and a really neet idea. I imagine it might be harder to make a larger length version like this, but it must be a similar process.

I don't know. I think the moon might be. It is just so easy... If we found anything of value, we good have been living up there for decades already. And there will be something of value: An easy to build moon base will be a good practice area and staging point for future endeavors.

Well, If you want a reasonable day/night cycle you might want it untethered and guided. You can make laps around the planet to keep a reasonable cycle of some sort. It would require (quite a bit) more work though.

The Hitchhikers Guide is one of the few books I have read more than once. And I mean the anthology copy, with all the books combined. And by more than once I mean 5 or 6 times. It is very high up on my list of comfort books.

I have to disagree on tablets. Yeah, if you are 100% sure that a 7" tablet is the exact size you need, but if you have any doubts or if different specs or OS might sway you to enter a different size market, I would wait for the Windows 8 tablets to flood the market and get reviewed.

It is getting there, but 4 is still kind of large. Lets see a 3.5" screen on a decent phone, or even 3". I don't need high performance, but I want to do basic smartphone things (email, calendar/contact syncing, music and other simple apps) with the benefits of a relatively updated OS in as small a package as possible.

I sold a couple of bicycles recently, and both listings got me a bunch of texts from different numbers asking if I would accept work instead of money. Like I have a need for labor from someone who cannot afford to buy a $60 used bike...

This should not be made, but I would watch it. It's like a car accident; you don't hope for them, but you can't turn away.

That is what I was wondering. It would seem pretty limited if it cannot (I would think it should not be hard for them to code, they can already identify the focus based on a point selection). All we ever see are these embedded viewers with a shallow depth of field. (By the way, the effect you are looking for would be

I am on AT&T and really like the look of this phone, but the ecosystem is going to be a tough sell. I think that will hurt Windows phone more that any combination of phones and carriers. I want, at the very least, my favorite streaming audio apps (Pandora, Songza), Dropbox, and Google Authenticator before I can accept

I would be lying if I said this did not come to mind when I was writing my response. Some further searching shows that mine is not a new concept (not surprised) although the term does not seem to have been picked up in widespread usage.

I would venture to suggest the technosphere already exists. Or maybe what I am thinking of should be called the "infosphere". In its most basic sense, the Internet comprises most of the infosphere, but it should also include data not connected, but with the possibility of being connected (eg, your backup drive or the

The debate is one of the only times we get to see our candidates vulnerable. They can go in coached and knowing the questions, but they are still having a conversation with a hostile opponent. I like to see how well they respond and think on their feet. It is the closest I am likely to get to having an actual chance

That is what I would guess. It is the only way to arrange prices and actually fit this product into the lineup. It would make sense, too. Why keep and old product on shelves when you can put a new one out there for people to be more impressed with.

I can think of a lot of great uses for this, although I admit I have not considered gaming too much. With Steam for Linux on the way, this could be very doable in the not-so-distant future.

The Dreamcast was amazing. I still have mine.

A good number of those engineers have American educations though. Their designs, even if original, are likely to show an American design history for generations to come.

Well, as a citizen of the US, you should generally be more pleased when the US military is stronger. I mean, we can all live in a great world government in our heads, but in real life the military still serves a purpose. That purpose is best served for Americans when America's military is strongest. If you never want