
I almost got an HTC Aria instead of my iPhone 4, for size reasons. I Sometimes wish I did, but at the time I was not so impressed with Android. Has anyone made a functional Jelly Bean ROM for it?

Yeah, but no high end phones compete on core functionality these days. Are we worried about call quality? The ability to send text messages? Even email, social networking and photography are all pretty similar on today's top smart phones. If you are going to spend long hours on this phone playing games, why not

I have decided that I will just not upgrade to iOS 6 until they have public transit directions. That could mean Apple gets it together, or a proper Google maps app gets released.

Right, but the reason it is so often used wrongly is because there is also a rule in English that the apostrophe with an s forms the possessive. It is entirely understandable that people mess this up, because the (general) rules of English say that both "it is" and "the thing possessed by it" are written it's. Writers

I have been trying to figure out if my desire for power has lessened over the years, or computer technology has just been advancing more slowly. I suppose it is also possible that my Macbook Pro (my first Mac) has held up better than any other computer I have owned.

I made a resolution when I got my iPhone 4 to break the upgrade cycle. I have practiced fighting upgrade desires for the past two years for all manner of devices, and now I can happily say I have no plans to get an iPhone 5. I might be looking to upgrade when the next iPhone comes out, or whenever my iPhone 4 becomes

It seems that "iPod out" was the term for those fancy car systems which show the iPod interface on their in-dash entertainment units. If you only get analog audio when you plug your iPhone in, this adaptor should work.

Ah. That sucks for all those car owners with built in integration systems...

True enough. Although they could probably lower the price at this point. I have a very old shuffle (2nd gen) that is still going, despite being through all sorts of horrifying experiences that should be bad for electronics.

I was trying to figure that out. Does iPod out mean audio? If so, that makes this useless for a good majority of the accessories people would be interested in...

Well, it is technically added functionality. Whether you consider it to have value or not is a different question. If a device only strictly requires a digital output, but includes an analog output, that is an added function.

Nah, I already use Coinstar machines to sort my change the lazy way. As mentioned in the article, if you are getting your money in the form of an Amazon gift card, they charge no fee. I do this, as I am pretty much guaranteed to order things from Amazon and I get my change sorted and turned into easier to use money

Yeah... After reading the first reply of this article, I determined that I must be living under a rock. More comfortable than I imagined.

I am with you on this. People are acting like they have never seen a cable changed before. If we could not accept new cables we would not have USB, HDMI, or any other modern standards that offer proper improvements. The fact that an adaptor will be available is just normal and reasonable, and beyond what many other

I am a fan of e-ink for reading, hands down. The Kindle was a game changing gadget for me. Between the weight, size, and battery life it almost does not rank as an electronic in my consciousness. And the display does seem to cause less strain to me.

There is some precedence in the iPad for how to handle this. If they do what they did there with iPhone apps, we are probably looking at your black bar scenario. Which would not be great, but might not be all that bad. Besides, the aspect ratio change will not be that severe of a change for most apps; it is likely

This is probably true of neurological capabilities, but it does not explain why human babies are so unformed physically. The long bones in a human newborn are literally shaped wrong for prolonged bipedal motion. There are really quite a few ways human babies are surprisingly defenseless.

I still wear a watch. I used to always buy digital watches with many features, but now I have offloaded alarms, etc to my phone and just have an analog watch for time keeping. I do not foresee dropping that, however, as I find it much more convenient to look at my watch than pull out my phone.

Science can be dangerous. You can pick many fields and say "If this goes wrong, people die!" Research into SARS or smallpox could very well make it easier to control a new disease. It is just as easy to say that those SARS labs could save millions of lives.

That .3% is the probability of an escape event each year.