
I agree, not a lot of point in the average user installing Debian with Ubuntu around.

I wear long underwear all the time in the dead of winter. Not only does it keep you warm in colder buildings, but it is great when walking around outside. There is a weird stigma on it in the US though. If I talk to my friends about it, they normally look at me like I am crazy.

I wonder if this combination of bacteria/host mutations also made the disease progress faster. Normally, bubonic plague is treatable with antibiotics (to my knowledge) and has visible symptoms. You would think a plague researcher would realize he was infected.

I was considering one of those recently. Sad to hear about the bottle opener woes, but it is cheap enough that I might still pick one up to try out.

The only problem I see is that is a lot of mass in the wheels. It may run fine on electric, but if your battery dies you will have a hard time getting the thing to move.

I prefer my pocket knives to be light on tools. It is so easy to end up with a big bulky knife that does not feel right in your pocket. For the past few years, I have been carrying a knife that is just a knife. It turns out for most things, all I need is a blade. I don't really miss the extra stuff (besides the

I used to use this setup with a Linux desktop and a Windows laptop (I think it was Vista at the time, but it may have been XP). I would come home, set the laptop next to the desktop monitor, and be ready to go with my mouse and keyboard. Was great for productivity back when I had a reason to use both OSs side by side.

I was wondering that the other day when 24 bit music was mentioned. I am not an audiophile in the normal sense, but I do take the quality of my audio files seriously and I like to own good headphones. I could not figure out why I would want 24 bit audio files.

That is what I was thinking... GPS is considered a major military asset, I feel like the military should be getting involved and doing some research on this issue.

Hm... I guess I had not thought about that because I do not use an Apple monitor. I suppose there is some merit to your idea, though I am not sure they would be capable of running both DisplayPort and Light Peak over that tiny connector. Perhaps if Light Peak were properly fiber, but the rumors so far indicate a

It doesn't make sense to combine the external monitor port with the fancy new data port. You effectively allow no use of the fancy new data port while using an external monitor. Of course, I don't know of any planned Light Peak products, but if it is intended as a replacement for USB/Firewire/etc it cripples some

Sadly, this does not apply for unpaid (student) Prime memberships.

Entropy, and the thermodynamic laws that govern it, are used to explain energy transfer (not mass). Also, the second law, which describes why perpetual motion machines do not work and is probably what you are quoting, does not necessarily preclude 100% recycling of energy, but it certainly implies it.

Larger touchpad? Perhaps on the larger MBPs, but I am typing this on my 13" MBP and there isn't much more space for the trackpad to expand into.

I agree completely. The fact of the matter is, I can change most things about Linux to suit my needs/whims. If I had access to a few pieces of software that I can't find good replacements for it would be perfect.

I agree. Impossible. I would guess that if there is truth behind these rumors, they are misquoted.

I think there are plenty of times when voicemail is appropriate. I'll add to your cases with: I leave voicemails when I am driving.

I am excited about applications of this technology. They have mentioned using Watson as a search engine for scientific research (their example was checking recent and past medical journals for patient treatment). I know how hard it is to find specific things when looking through searches of journal articles, and from

Yes, some radio applications are given priority (such as emergency communication). Products that are released cannot interfere with such applications. Technically, this means your product must not interfere, and you cannot complain if you receive interference from one of these priority applications.

I want to see an iPad competitor crop up, but I am afraid the only way this will compete is on price (if they price it well, of course).