
I don't see anything. I have the free Prime subscription for students though, I wonder if they would include it in that.

I guess that makes sense. I don't think I've ever seen a 28 gauge shotgun, so I am imagining the recoil of at least a 20 gauge (and more familiar with 12 gauge).

Can you fire it without breaking your wrist?

I like the sound of that Mini Wii remote, but I am waiting for the one with build in motion plus. Good to know it is coming.

Just be careful how quickly you type important commands with shorthand. I had a friend once who intended to

I will give money to friends, but never lend. That being said, I will only give money to friends who I expect would give money to me if the situation were reversed.

@Vexxarr: It may not have an enduring fan base, but it did draw huge numbers to theaters, many of whom left with favorable opinions.

@dhawk00002: Yeah, they have tried to explain away the problem a few times in the years since. Because there have been a couple of different attempts, however, I believe it was just a mistake.

@leoaugust: Someone has not seen Star Wars. Tsk.

I would love to have an SSD, but they are still too expensive. It doesn't matter how you cut it, for the average user, the performance increase is not yet worth the expense.

@jupiterthunder: Haha, thanks. I was wondering how I could possibly respond to that...

@thejoshualewis: Battery tech never seems to keep pace with electronics. The fact that this discussion comes up demonstrates that.

Neat, I guess, but I don't know that I would want to ride it. Dahon has made a prettier use of a curve in my opinion (and it folds!)

All this 4G talk kind of scares me. I want my battery to last as long as possible. It seems like every new piece of phone tech drops battery life further.

I use the toaster oven for all sorts of oven jobs when I am cooking alone. It can handle most things in small portions. I'll agree that they rarely toast very well, however.

I have played games where the achievements are novel and fun, but I don't understand their widespread inclusion.

@Tsylord: 3M command strips. As a constantly moving renter, these things are awesome. You can hold all sorts of things on walls with them, and they never leave any marks. Just pay attention to the weight rating on the package, they have different strengths (but a 5 pound object should be fine with 2 x 2.5 pound

I tossed a piece of hard rubber (maybe neoprene?) into a lathe once and turned an slight hourglass shape out of it.

@FriarNurgle: That would be quite the weekend project. Too bad I am in NY.

I'd consider paying, but not $20. It is entirely possible that $20 is what they need to make on each subscriber to keep their business going, but if that is the case, they may just be a failing business at this point.