I usually think all this hate against Patricia is unjustified and overreacting. Especially about the recent sexism stuff regarding the Sony show.
I usually think all this hate against Patricia is unjustified and overreacting. Especially about the recent sexism stuff regarding the Sony show.
This season is going to be off the charts amazing, so many big things happen. But there's nothing I'm looking forward to more than Dany laying waste to the slavers in Astapor. I had goosebumps reading that scene.
Great, now I'm craving a delicious Big Mac.
I chose to play on Easy Mode (Page Down button).
That is amazing! Thanks for making my day!
THANK YOU! That incomplete gif was bugging the shit out of me!
Give me a fucking break! It would be three movies, 3 hours long each. More ticket revenue that way.
Yes, please stop subsidizing my games, in-app purchasers! I'm so sick of the constant stream of free-to-play games in the Play store! I swear, if I have to download another game without being forced to pay money for it, i'm going to scream!
I completely agree. Kenji Lopez-Alt on SeriousEats said that soap shouldn't harm the polymerized coating. He guessed this irrational fear of soap is likely a remnant of the period when soap contained lye.
Yeah, I thought that of the logo too. Then I thought, "Wow, they're getting away with that?"
I completely agree. It's small, flimsy, and the buttons/sticks are awkwardly placed. But the worst part of all is the convex surfaces on the thumbsticks and the L2/R2 triggers. It's like the controller is actively fighting you, and trying to make your fingers slip. It's godawful design, and above all else I hope that…
Without hyperbole, this is a thousand times better than what's in the actual article.
She may have a base score of 6. But with attributes like her geeky awkwardness, love of nerd culture, and the fact she's a redhead easily pushes her past 9 in my book.
Also the voice of Sergeant Roderick in one episode of Spongebob. Weeks ago, I heard my son watching Spongebob in the other room, and I thought, "Zaeed?" Sure enough. (youtube clip is bad, a good one apparently doesn't exist.)
Hell yeah, another Fairbanksan! I was just about to brag about ...well, the only thing we have to brag about.
I've been to only one NFL game in person, and I was surprised that the start/stop timing you mentioned actually made me miss a lot of plays! Watching on TV, there's replays, stats, commentators diagramming plays and this other stuff to keep my attention on the TV. In the stadium, without that stuff, my mind would…