
Hmm, I was wondering what happened to that guy...

I can’t get worked up over the Japanese harvesting whales that have a conservation status as “least concern.”

I’m sure they do, But you can’t say the US isn’t the same. Kids today STILL don’t know the truth about “Thanksgiving” Schools still teaching that pilgrims made friends with the indigenous people. US history hardly if ever teach the Atrocities that the US have done to the native Americans and still do today, Or how

In general countries do not teach teach their population about atrocities committed in the past beyond the bare minimum, Germany is an exception.

I am at a point where if I see the letters S, J, and W being used together unironically, then I read it as a handy shortcut to not waste an ounce of energy on the poster.

Cruz: “Quarterbacks aren’t paid to make political statements, they’re paid to get rings. Remember Larry Bird? He used to get 20 rings a game sometimes. Heck of a quarterback.”

Stop being a fucking hipster

lol, kotaku = big ass news huh? shut your piehole

VASTLY more people will have access to it now that it was posted your argument boils down to “Im better than you plebs, me and my like deserve to play these games more than you common-folks, regardless of the fact there are less of us and more of you.”

Only person that appears to be offended here is you buddy. Simmer down a bit, huh?

Kermit’s really starting to become unhinged and irritable these days. Been a while since he grabbed a pig by the pussy, I guess.

What are these sadistic/unfair parts you speak of? Where do they insist that you die repeatedly?

I’m still tickled that going on 60 years later, an offshoot genre from one of the most racist periods in American history is still the go-to standard for white people of every age as the gold standard for everything Black culture. As if Shaft was the pinnacle of African American achievement. It is our one sacred cow,

As a white person, I’m not really sure how to respectfully go about wearing a costume of a character of color. So I just don’t. There are a million characters to dress up as, and most of them actually have my exact skin tone thanks to actual white washing in Hollywood. So I don’t see the “damned if we don’t” part.

I’ll go with “If you think blackface isn’t racist, then you’re racist” for $200.

White folk are damned if the do and damned if they don’t.

Man your articles are great. Please don’t leave.

Which is just shorthand for “you don’t have a right to privacy.”