
It's probably what the next generation of MMO's will have to live up to in terms of quality and mechanics.

Yeah but everyone knows what soccer is, football can be two things. So why not just say soccer?

Eh, maybe one day.

Uh, yeah right... Sorry but it's going to be difficult enough without dealing with Martian mole people.

Calling it that could confuse people into thinking it's a picture of a Spock football team.

This has been the first MMO since perhaps EQ2 where I've gone slow and enjoyed the content. It was really too about the first dungeon being so crappy as the first should really be something that amazes you but if you look past that, the zones are really spectacular and you literally can't do everything without

Specifically the gear grind you speak of at 80 doesn't exist, as it's just for vanity armor skins and can be avoided. You can get the best gear in the game without ever touching a dungeon. Once you get into World vs World, you'll likely find yourself addicted. It's what many other MMO's have tried to do *cough* Age of

We know you're not a bigot. I bet you even have a gay friend.

You're in the minority on this one.

This is the first MMO I've played since EQ2 where I wasn't in the beta, so it's nice to learn things as I go. I missed a couple of days of the headstart and couldn't tell which servers were new on launch day which soured my mood.

True, and it's actually the case here as you can buy pretty much anything on the trade post with real money.

Masturbating while watching My Little Pony.

Well, it makes people think of clopping. But we can only really blame the internet for that.

Seven hours isn't all that odd.

I find little problem with the platforming, but that could be due to me having experienced what TOR called platforming.

I don't know what to think. I love Guild Wars 2 and the people responsible for it. However, I cannot love anyone who works in a place with a cereal bar. Just too much resentment there. So I guess I'll just call it even.

Sure, it's just funny to me that she's the only person they follow.

It took me the entire headstart just to pick my race/class combo and I'm still finding the urge to switch... They're all just so much fun.

It's annoying, but a hell of a lot easier to deal with than server queues.

Oddly this is one of the first things I noticed that made it clear that GW2 was breaking the rules of the genre (in only good ways).