
Or rather, just rich.

Yeah, I'd rather they just allow players to run their own servers and play LAN games than deal with all this. If the cost of having to use their servers is lag, disconnects, real money AH, and a persistent connection, then it's clearly not worth it.

Played through the night with a guest pass and bought it today. Sure, it's annoying to be disconnected continuously and experience lag in a single player game, but I wouldn't say it's tarnished my view of PC gaming. Perhaps it's made me concerned about it's future, but hopefully this will be a signal fire as to why

I thought everyone hated it. What are the merits? For me, it's a distraction. They're rarely difficult and often when you fail it's just as simple to start over. The distraction is that they often crop up during action sequences where my eyes would rather be elsewhere on the screen.

I can call dirt gold too. Doesn't make it true.


I see you went with the diehards/casual argument, that's a shame. Then again, that's the first sign that you may be correct... Whenever there's an argument over an online game, there's going to be accusations that people who prefer to play solo HAVE to be casuals because that's the ONLY explanation for the method of

Hey it's $30.

Yeah, I just don't see the AH being all that important or even central enough to justify calling the game a multiplayer game. When I see something called multiplayer, I tend to think of a game that only has multiplayer.

There's a single player mode no? You can jump into multi-player at any given time, and there's an AH.. But it has both single player and multi-player from what I understand.

I was aware of this, but really giving it all a second thought now, and that's after giving plasma so I could afford it. Thing is, I almost always hit my bandwidth cap before the end of my billing cycle. I'd have to pay an additional $10 just to play Diablo III during that time, and I just can't justify that cost.

While I'm sure this is funny, I can still proudly say I've never heard a Justin Bieber song or a parody of one. At least that I know of. I'd like to keep on saying that, so gonna pass.

Release the army of horny weeaboos!

I wasn't really following how well Awake was doing ratings wise, just tuning in every week and had assumed it was really popular and would be back for another season without question. Shows what I know.

Could also be in part due to the fan base not being PvP oriented. Regardless, the PvE aspect of the game (both space and ground) is solid and enjoyable. Best F2P out there as you can experience everything without paying a dime.

Diablo 3 or rent... Fuck. Time to give plasma!


If all you look for is PvP, that's probably true.

I adored the demo, but I can totally see that adoration wearing thin if there's no story worth experiencing. Gameplay is important, but can fall flat if there's no reason to do anything. Regardless, I'll be reactivating Gamefly for a month for this.

"the rest of them sucked ass" isn't exactly a critique.