
It’s silly. Because it would never have passed examination. So they never were going to get that trademarked anyway.

That said, getting a message on LinkedIn... kinda really weird for the developer

Came here for this. SNES in 1985?

Yeah! I still have my release PS1 copy that works just fine on PS3. Might consider getting it for my vita though so I can play it again without having to take out the disc and put it in my PS3.

Link for those too lazy like me. (Though I did have to go and get it myself)

The pink parts are tuna.

Nice tattoo!

It’s the art style from the IDW comics. Which is the best modern option they could have went with.

I haven’t kept up, is the IDW series over?

Say... would you like a chocolate covered pretzel?

yeah I’m importing and buying again in English when that happens.

Yeah I know you didn’t mean that. ;)

You’re right, the article’s title promise really is not fulfilled there.

It’s not all of them. There seemed to be a lot more of that happening in the first few hours. But then, I stopped caring about the quests that aren’t related to the main missions. So I may just not have noticed it lately.

Yeah, I’m really not a fan of the class linked to races thing.

My memories of Tera go back to the beta, bought the game, played the beta and kind of never played at release because of reasons I don’t remember.

True enough, in terms of quality. But it kind of has its charm for some of the characters.

Warrior still felt somewhat stiff to me in Tera.

Been playing since Saturday, and it’s actually the less static MMO I’ve played (compared to other actions mmo like Tera, GW2, etc.) in terms of movement. Dragon Pulse are indeed cinematics in feel though and I don’t consider those part of the “movement”.

Didn’t notice/know about the Ghibli store when I was there. But I’m not really a fan, so I wouldn’t have really went there anyway.