
Isshin isn’t really Medieval, Kenzan was, unless the 19th century is still medieval to you.

Yakuza 4 has 99% of the content of the JP version. What’s missing you won’t really miss out on.

Yup.. *looks at His RGG5 he imported and RGG Kenzan! and Isshin he picked up in Akihabara*

Looks like something I would enjoy. Keep us updated on the game Stephen! Or at least remind us when it’s closer to release.

I never said they made these specific mistakes. But the ones they make are to me as bad or worse.

Thanks for replying to him, I kind of didn’t feel like explaining all this. I’m surprised when people aren’t even aware of these things.

Also, Nintendo’s decision are more subjectively bad, compared to the likes of Konami, Capcom and Sega, who I can’t see how anyone could defend their decisions?

Nintend has had a few misses, but I’d put them at the same level as S-E or so.

Well, it’s not much, but the released Yakuza 5 avatars for PSN this week. So that might hint at it coming sooner than later.

Awwww Koyasan, we meant to go there this April, but all the buddhist temple lodgings were fully booked for over a month by the time we tried to reserve. :/ It was too far off for a one-day trip to our taste, so we had to skip it.

Even though I should be more hyped for MGSV, the more I see of Mario Maker, the more it’s September 11 I can’t wait for, and not September 1, even though it’s for MGS I took 3 days off To have almost a week of MGS V undisturbed stealth action.

Only because Hummingbird doesn’t have her own series.

This is MGS, nothing prevents Solid from forgetting about all of what happens in Phantom Pain at some point in his life. Whatever fate is held for the twins in this game, it probably won’t be pretty. It’s highly probably he’s not going to remember much of it by the end.

That might be glasses related? She wore glasses too. Not sure about the type. I’m 31 and totally fine with this kind of things, but I don’t wear glasses.

I don’t know about age. But my ex-fiancee was really bad with cameras, just watching me play games. If I’d spin the camera around too quickly to get a quickview of my surrounding. She’d get nauseous right away. And that was like that even before her mid-20s.

Siliconera reported today that the Mario Paint fly swatter mini game is in as an easter egg too. Gotta click on a random gnat that can popup on the gamepad.

The fix for this is always to see it as TPPAAHAGG (Third person play as a hand and a gun game). :)

Solidus was a perfect clone and aged faster than the others. I’m not sure he was made at the same time either. I’m 99.7% sure that Solidus isn’t one of them.

Both young snakes are seen next to one other in this year’s E3 trailer. So yeah..

Yup, came here to say “Virtuous mission?”. Once I saw the video, I immediately thought, wow, this looks like virtual missions from mgs. And that’s a good thing. :)