Let's not forget that outside of gaming Sony is bleeding money. I doubt they can afford taking a big hit on every console they'll sell and shareholders are probably going to push on for a bigger appeal to the casual market.
Let's not forget that outside of gaming Sony is bleeding money. I doubt they can afford taking a big hit on every console they'll sell and shareholders are probably going to push on for a bigger appeal to the casual market.
Heh, here I gotta wait until Monday afternoon for it to get through the mail.
Well, considering some people already received theirs a few days ago through mail or pick-up at Wal-Mart layaways.. He won't be the first to get one.
You forgot Bayonetta 2.
Reminded me that this existed.
I love your list.
Hope you enjoy it! I went two years ago and it was a blast.
Oh, I got to level 20 Mystic already. As well as warrior 12 or 13.
oooh finally figured it out..!
Nice.. I'm stuck at 41%. No clue where to go, only place I noticed I didn't go there's a big pool of deadly water.
Pre-ordered/purchased it on a whim. (Though I really wanted to play it for its combat for like a year or two now, that is until I discovered all that GW2 was going to offer).. Haven't really played it since the last beta week-end and I don't feel like playing it at all.
Yeah man, I want it on PS3 too. :/
Oh, I used to go to Game Sages all the time in the 90's. CheatCC a bit too, but most often GS.
Just played through Aban Hawkins & the 1000 SPIKES with a friend over the last week. It's a little hardcore platformer. It was great fun.
Just adding this because great voice acting.
Physical Levels have been removed since September or October of last year. But your character will still be there.
You guys need to realize how great Shantotto is and how she'll kick your butt for not using her. :P
Bus Gamer was great. I'd want to see more of that.
Yeah, I really want to see Yakuza 5 over in NA and I've been nervous about it ever since that SEGA restructuring.
I was so disappointed. I was at the Jamspace with a good crowd waiting on him to show up.