I agree that black people have had to suppress our feelings about wypipo for a long time. But our ancestors did so nevertheless. Plantation owners loved hearing their slaves sing “” negro spirituals”, especially “Massa’s In De Cold, Cold Ground”. Stupid white folks thought that it was a song of mourning when actually…
That you could only name one black woman (out of your 30+ years) proves the point, darling.
Graffiti has a history or artistic expression in communities of color. And the “knockout game” is pretty much a myth hyped up by the news to stir up the fears of ignorant white people. Other than a couple of isolated instances that was never a thing. Just like when the news tried to pretend that kids were shoving…
There is no respect for our lives, our property, or rights by anyone who wears a badge and stays silent when their comrades murder us like this. This man was murdered because he thought for a moment, a fleeting instant, that he was a citizen with certain inalienable rights... these officers murdered him for the crime…
Oh GOD I hope those eyebrows do NOT come back. Now that I have said that, it is kind of a weird grey area of appropriation. The drawn on eyebrows are NOT exclusive to cholas. Should she have done the chola halloween costume? No. It was in poor taste. The kind of grey area comes in the fact that she is also a woman of…
No, if he were a direct caregiver he’d be paying for all that stuff as a matter of course.
Good, fuck this show. Research shows again and again that being fat isn’t inherently unhealthy and fat people don’t eat more than thin people. Basic observation also shows that all these fat-shamers don’t ever go after thin people with perceived unhealthy habits; they are using “health” as an excuse to target fat…
The razor companies could get away with more markup if they did this in reverse. Men are more averse to buying pink razors than women are to buying blue razors, and also have more money. Jacking up prices on “women’s” products relies on women’s willingness to buy them, sure, but the decision to do this to women…
I honestly don’t care what the plot of this movie is, I will watch Oscar Isaac do anything. That is all.
That’s great but how about some protection? White men have been openingly coming for black women and children in public. How about having our backs? Don’t let trashy Becky use her bbc addiction to be an asshole. And admit you’re not getting reputations between her legs. And stop bitching about us in your music, on the…
This is about the name of an award that’s given to excellent children’s literature. Not about who we can never speak of again. Not about who can be studied by adults who can discuss the full context of a work. Also, the echo chamber is always celebrating the same dead white people regardless of what garbage opinions…
To hold something up to children as “This book is so important that we’re going to teach it to you during the limited time we have together” and have that book include be hurtfully racist does a lot more than clue them into a country that’s racist. It demonstrates that racism can be ignored for “the greater good.” And…
“ the biases and prejudices of the time.”
It’s also to close to Collard, and I’ll be damned if they take that too.
Nope, US Sacagawea Dollars.
The bane of all NY’ers using metrocard machines with cash.
Which is a part of why I can’t get with rising-tide folks. Fix the economy all you want, but trickle down doesn’t work with ANYTHING.
If pulling a Scrooge McDuck with as many “gold” coins that one can hustle from Walmart cashiers is weird, then you can keep normal.
Peas in guacamole should be a felony.
former York County, Pa., Commissioner Steve Chronister.