She was only talking to ambitious Yale grads. There has been no suggestion by anyone that any of the chosen were unqualified, just that from the pool of highly qualified applicants a certain look was preferred. You seem to be suggesting that attractive young women are axiomatically less worthy than other people. It’s…
This is one of the biggest problems women face - the idea that as long as they don’t “put up with any inappropriate behaviour”, nothing bad will happen to them. Ergo, any woman who gets harassed or assaulted MUST have inadvertently or deliberately encouraged the man.
“A source said that Chua quickly responded, saying that her own daughter would not put up with any inappropriate behaviour.”
Do you watch Dietland? Cause that is a big part of the plot.
Smashing patriarchy is self care.
jfc I feel so bad for the victim in this. Not only was she assaulted, humiliated, and made to believe she was going to die but then the legal system basically goes ‘lol it’s no biggie he seems like a good guy’.
I just saw a taxi-cab ad for a movie called “Assassination Nation,” which they’re billing as a cross between Heathers and The Purge.
SO WEIRD! I’ve ALSO taken the last year to work on myself and become a better person, parent and partner. It’s mostly involved a plant-based diet to get my cholesterol numbers down and reading a lot of books on parenting because my 8-year-old’s mood swings confound my husband and I at times. I actually haven’t had to…
“a better husband” ....???
Also, because it’s so damn frequent that if we reacted to each incident with the response it truly deserves, we’d be exhausted by noon of each and every freaking day.
May I just say that calling out “Etnies” here (instead of, say, Vans) really shows an attention to detail and level of workmanship in your craft that we just don’t see too often these days.
Oh my God, if Viola Davis had to have a talk with me because I had displeased her, I would be so desperately ashamed of myself I would have to go and be a hermit in a place so remote no human would ever lay eyes on me again.
Did the caller say that they saw a weapon of any kind?
*I* have a Thomas Pink shirt! It’s lovely fabric with French cuffs and I got it at the dry cleaner’s December clearance of dry cleaned items that were not picked up! $5!
If Roma Downey didn’t throw a punch and then yell, “You just got touched by an angel bitch!” she really missed a golden opportunity.
Lawrence added: ‘I used to watch The Cosby Show all the time; it was my favorite show. It was definitely him.
Well, perhaps if you’d ASKED the man first instead of SNEAKING a picture like you’re Nelly Bly on an undercover assignment...