
Rashida Jones is an actress that goes where the work is. She has played white characters before and at no time did the writing of Parks and Rec indicate that the character was not white. One time Leslie gave her one of those weird compliments in which she called her “ambiguous”. I’m not sure that counts.

THANK YOU! We know that Rashida Jones is biracial but, nothing in writing of Parks and Rec indicated that Ann Perkins wasn’t a white woman. And Rashida Jones has played white on more than one occasion.

Red lipstick is always the answer.

Yep! It’s not about thin-ness. It’s about shape. And shape is not something that you can change.

I wanted to respond to your assertion that there are so many Black female artists that the Black community doesn’t support and I want to call Bullsh#t. Because there are sooooo many Black artists that are stars in the Black community that white people have never even heard of and that doesn’t just include the musical

When people state the unattractiveness of Black women they almost always bring up that tired okcupid study. They only polled their own users (which of course is all they could do). All that study did was show the tastes of people using Okcupid. It does not reflect the tastes of the American population at large. Yet,