
Right, so a bunch of well known folks from the tech industry are making a huge campaign just to steal people's money and defame themselves. Makes perfect sense.

Right, so a bunch of well known folks from the tech industry are making a huge campaign just to steal people's money and defame themselves. Makes perfect sense.

Right, so a bunch of well known folks from the tech industry are making a huge campaign just to steal people's money and defame themselves. Makes perfect sense.

Here's a great idea: know what you're talking about before you speak on something so that way you aren't talking straight out of your ass. Unless you're purposely trying to troll, then you're doing it right. The games that are currently in development for Ouya don't look sub par to me. Maybe you can list for me the

Frankly, even if Ouya could only handle ports of existing Android games, I'd be interested. I just don't have the time to play all these RPGs on it (Zenonia series, Inotia, Kairosoft stuff, etc.) nor do I feel like being restricted to my phone. The fact that a number of great games are in development for Ouya makes me

It's got a number of developers looking to put their games on the system:

I wouldn't put any stock in what Barnard says. He's an ethical vegan and has no problem promoting bad science so long as it suits his own ethical agenda. A closer examination of the science promoted by him and his buddies at the PCRM shows that they don't know science from a hole in the ground:

You'll find that there is a general bias against animal products and in favour of produce. What started it, I don't know, but plants contain a number of bad things in varying amounts and rarely does anyone bother to talk about it. It's all "politically correct nutrition".

You'll find that there is a general bias against animal products and in favour of produce. What started it, I don't know, but plants contain a number of bad things in varying amounts and rarely does anyone bother to talk about it. It's all "politically correct nutrition".

When will people learn that Neal Barnard and the Physician's Committee for Responsible Medicine is about as credible and unbiased as PETA? The science that they try to cite as proof that animal products are the root of all disease is a joke; they should be ashamed.

When will people learn that Neal Barnard and the Physician's Committee for Responsible Medicine is about as credible and unbiased as PETA? The science that they try to cite as proof that animal products are the root of all disease is a joke; they should be ashamed.

When will people learn that Neal Barnard and the Physician's Committee for Responsible Medicine is about as credible and unbiased as PETA? The science that they try to cite as proof that animal products are the root of all disease is a joke; they should be ashamed.

I've made many batches of sauerkraut (and I continue to make 1 or 2 batches every month), so there's a few things I'd like to mention:

Why is it telling me that there are no supporting restaurants in all of NYC?