I agree. Mayor Pete is very smart.
I agree. Mayor Pete is very smart.
Unfortunately true, this was a good opportunity though.
You substitute wishful thinking for “facts” and “logic” and no amount of being proven dead wrong ever dissuades you from repeating the nonsense.
Go back to your alt right echo chambers. All you are doing here is proving one of two things:
LOL bruv. Keep watching Fox news. Keep believing Trump is responsible for a growing economy and that the tax cut was for you. Keep believing that he’s, like, super popular and only the liars pretend that he isn’t. Keep believing that he’s strong rather than weak and has a fragile ego. Keep believing Trump rather than…
“He’s far worse, far more insidious than a Trump” - Nope, nope, nope. There’s definitely levels to this racism shit.
I’m assuming by “the real world” you mean Russia.
Get off this site crazy
False choice. We can do better than Pete. He can’t even run a city right.
You might think that but it’s incorrect.
Tighten your chin strap before you head back to Brietbart.
“Worse for you, his support among, women, blacks, Hispanics and Asians is higher than when he was elected.”
...you said two sentences, and they’re both true.
I was starting to get paranoid that he’d start a war just to get reelected later this year.
No. I was making a Transmetropolitan reference, wherein the choice was between The Beast (incumbent) and The Smiler.
And from the start, it was pretty clear Lourd’s role was really just a sweet way for her to work alongside her mother playing Leia and nothing more, which Im fine with!
Goddamn, Mayor Pete! You are a trip with no luggage, you dastardly back room dealing mofo, you!
Ava Du Vernay, who once turned down Black Panther, only to spectacluarly fail at a friggin Disney movie, the safest bet to success, starring Oprah Winfrey and Reese Witherspoon? Oh, btw, according to the box office results, very few people actually watched her purported masterpiece Selma. Yeah, that’s an ...um...intere…
Except he’s not wrong. Especially about the “tribalism” part. Because that is the upheaval that the internet has made possible. The playing field has never been consistent or fair but it was obscured enough that nobody could compare notes and see how they’re getting screwed. Now the toothpaste is out of the tube and…
You might not have seen Tokyo Gore Police, but you did not miss anything.
and you can get nachos at the Nacho Factory, on Nacho Street. you know, over in Nacho Village