
This. This, this, this, THIS!

Its really only half the problem. You can have plots be fundementally the same if the characters are engaging and the narrative beats feel earned. As is mentioned here and elsewhere, the story of a child being orphaned and raised by his rescuers happens over and over in Star Wars alone, but here we actually care so

I’ve tried to explain this to numerous people.

Holy shit dude

I heard the ending was Rey about to be killed by the emperor, right before Vad.. I mean Kylo picks him up and throws Palpatine in a very big hole.

Star Wars has reached Rick and Morty status for me in that the fans are so embarrassing it has effected how I feel about the series. RIP Star Wars. I hope the incels keep the lights on for you.

Your 7-year-old and I have that in common. I would die for Force Baby.

Ugh, moisture farming? Luke wants to go to Tosche Station? Who cares? None of that is important to the larger story! Get to the good stuff already!

Have you noticed that a very large amount of people seem to disagree with you?  Maybe the problem isn’t the show.

It’s okay. The show is PRETEND. No Jawas were harmed in the making of this episode. Because Jawas aren’t real.

My wife waves her hand in a weird way and I do the dishes. 

After two entries into star wars canon that are only about their metatextual place within the franchise, I openly welcome a star wars experience that’s just about *whatever*, about “nothing”. No bullshit about whether or not a character can live up to the legacy of the characters from 30 years prior (get it?! Pretty

Looks like you know jackshit about storytelling except the one myopic view of it in your skull. Larger story? What the fuck are you on about?

But he’s not an ambivalent hero. Right now he’s not a hero. He’s not even ambivalent. He’s the bad guy here. For now, at least.

I would think the moral of that story is, don’t attack Madalorian bounty hunters, shit’s bad for your health. As for the beast? It was an attacking creature, driven by instinct, words and reasoning certainly won’t stop it.

I always thought Yoda was 900 years old because he was so in tune with the force, not because his species ages at 1/100th of the pace of humans.

And i always assumed that Yoda was so in tune with the Force because he had 900 years to get it right. And as the only 1008-year old here, let me assure you, compared to

I said Tony Soprano was not a fully realized character in the pilot. I did not say there was zero character development.

We’re basically fourth class citizens in the world of Star Wars stories, behind men, male aliens, and male robots.

I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make. Don Draper and Tony Soprano were not fully realized characters in their respective premieres. Their rich inner lives were revealed methodically over seasons. S1 of Breaking Bad had a metacritic score of 77 (and was criticized at times for being too slow/boring) whereas S5

Maz Kanata was a victim of the poor planning of the entire ST. She’s in the first movie to provide exposition. In TLJ, Rian Johnson literally had no idea what to do with the character and was told she was there to be an expert on the Force. He pointed out that was Luke’s role. So he had no choice but to cram her