
First of all, me thinks this site has a thing against King since I don’t believe they have ever given anything of his a positive review, could be wrong but I can’t remember anything good. The book was a good read and with a few exceptions most King books don’t get proper screen treatment. The exceptions, to me anyhow,

Yeah, I sure hope that fucking artist who invented all the evil in the world feels bad now.

People don’t enter a life of crime because of movies, they do it because of poverty and being exposed to real life criminals who glorify and praise their lifestyles as though it’s the only possible way they could live. Nobody in organized crime was not surrounded by organized crime members.

You sound just like my grandmother when she complains about TV cop dramas like Law & Order:

I promise you, the people who take to a life of crime didn’t need to see a movie to be convinced. Most people see it in their own neighborhood, first hand, or decide their circumstances are so much worse that it’s worth the risk.

This take is ridiculously misguided. Douchebags in power don’t need to use movies to frame their actions. Get rid of art all together and they’ll still do their best to fuck over everybody else. Crazed assholes who want to go on a killing spree don’t need a movie to push them over the edge. You think banning movies

I suppose that raises the question of whether there are more people like you compared to the opposite.

Fucking wild that there was no violence before there were violent movies.

Is this some sort of ironic response to scorcese saying he’s not a fan of superhero movies?

That there is some pure, uncut performance art.

Wow. That takes me back. I said the exact same thing about M. Night Shyamalan’s The Last Airbender!

Wow, there is someone in the year of our lord 2019, advocating for the oppression of free expression...

Sensing English maybe isn’t your first language, Fred.

Welcome to happy, smiley 1984, where everybody is nice.... or else.. You see the problem with banning ideas you don’t like, right? Someone with an agenda different from your’s might be the one deciding which ideas are dangerous.

A bit clumsy there, censorship is bad for everyone, the slope is quite slippery

I live in a country where network TV airs all kinds of Hollywood movies, but blurs out guns, cigarettes and alcohol. Literally, there’ll be big blurry blobs on the screen whenever characters are smoking, drinking or having a gunfight.

Well he does, obviously. I’ll be checking all reviews to see if the films in question should be permitted to exist.


Does Aquaman meet his nemesis, Absorbent Towelman?

And if it made another $100 million, it might have actually broken even.