nope they are consolidating follow lists (according to kinja help on twitter) so if you are say, followed by jez proper, you’ll now be followed by all the sub blogs.
nope they are consolidating follow lists (according to kinja help on twitter) so if you are say, followed by jez proper, you’ll now be followed by all the sub blogs.
It’s happening all over the place. It looks like if the main follows you, the subs do too now. There may or may not be other routines we haven’t figured out yet.
My ovaries just exploded watching that Rock video.
My love for The Rock is beyond reason.
So her son gets kidnapped and she just straight-up murders a bunch of other innocent people just driving to work by causing massive car accidents?
Yes. IIRC, the parents of Jesse Spencer from House and Chicago Fire are racist politicians who campaigned in the noughts against immigration in Australia. Whenever he was asked about them, he said he didn’t agree with their views and would then changed the subject.
I endorse this 100% too because Shemar is so hot and I miss his character on the show.
I feel really terrible about how I first reacted to her and realized that I have a lot of internalized misogyny. She didn’t deserve this treatment and people have no idea how hard it is to come forward about your wealthy and powerful husband with international fame abusing you. This has shown me that attitudes about…
Hi, gals and guys. #NotAllYzerman here. I’ve commented a time or two over at Gawker. Looks like I’m gonna be moving over here, and I have to say, I love what you’ve done with the place. Smells like a delightful mix of sarcasm and tasty burritos. Brought you some cookies, hope to talk to you some more.
You may make excuses for her, but I, for one, am shocked—shocked!—to learn that a nominee for President of the United States is ambitious.
Funny, you list several leaders of foreign nations and two Americans who are not in elected positions. Your analogies are false.
You should also add Bo and Kenzi from Lost Girl especially in season 1&2. Their friendship definitely evolved from relative strangers to almost like sisters.
And I am sending them back as well. xoxo
Tomorrow will mark a year since my dad died. I still catch myself thinking that I have not called him for the week and then I remember it has been longer than that. He is always on my mind.
We don’t actually know if she is lying. Someone at the courthouse could have leaked it just as easily. But, what gets me is the clear contempt you have for her in your comments while saying nothing about Depp’s behavior, which is far worse.
How does her possibly lying seem so much worse than watching him do violent…
Well, but honestly, so what?
I’m just glad it got ungreyed. Which reminds me, I need to head over to The Muse and see if my Kinja pal who ungreyed it has any posts over there that I can ungrey for her... God, this system is idiotic.