
Me too and I couldn’t work out what song they could possibly be referring to...

Thank you

That movie is 100% where I fell for RDJ, lock stock and barrel... I continue to love the movie despite (or because of) the flaws...

Thank you. I don’t have kids of my own and am unlikely to so I try to be the best Aunty I can be, ... He is super smart (accelerated learning, doing 8th grade maths in 5th grade smart, but also just in general very quick off the mark), so it was driving me a little nuts that he just stubbornly refused to read the

My almost 13 year old nephew finally read all the books this year... he was visiting at Christmas and he kept insisting he didn’t need to read the books because he had seen all the movies already... we starting watching the movies again and he kept asking me questions that he would have the answers to if he had read

Looks like there is only a couple of episodes... I just looked a little more deeply... sorry to get your (and my own) hopes up...

Season one is on you tube (at least some of it, I haven’t watched it yet so can’t vouch for the video quality or whether all episodes are up)

I can actually give you an example of a parent who did that. Former Friend of my teenage nephew stole a none insignificant amount of money from my brother in laws home office. When they spoke to his mum she told/encouraged them to report him to the police and have charges pressed.

No... please don’t go... there are more of us that don’t get the hate...

No... please don’t go... there are more of us that don’t get the hate...

I was referring more to the slut shaming dick-wad part of the comment, but I was at work and in a rush I didn’t clarify that, I honestly don’t care about age differences, date who ever you want as long as both are of legal age...

I didn’t want to bring the post you were responding to out of the greys but I had to star yours (which by default ungreyed it dammit) because it is almost verbatim what when through my head.

I was just about to mention this very show. It was amazing.

I resisted for ages, had seen the first one and saw no reason to go back, but then my Dad was looking for someone to go to see the 6th movie with so I gave in and now I am a fan... haven’t watched 7 yet though because I am a cry-baby.... but did just see the new one at the weekend...

For me it is as simple as, they are fun... would I put any of them in a top 10 list, no, but they are a couple of hours of fun and escape with a cast who seem to genuinely enjoy working together (recent “feud” aside) and seem to have fun making them and that comes across...

I think you’re right. I saw her in Sydney and she is AMAZING live. Just phenomenal and easily the best concert I have ever been too, I didn’t think anything was going to topple Bruce Springsteen, but she did, just three weeks later. It would be a shame if she didn’t tour again.

This is almost exactly what I just said... I wasn’t going to but now I don’t think I’ll be able to resist...

Well... I was going to refuse to watch it but I LOVE all three ... I have a huge crush on Noel Fielding... the very first cookbook I owned was writted by Prue Leith, a step by step learn to cook guide my uncle gave me, plus I love her on Great British Menu... and Sandy Toksvig is truly delightful and I am really

Yep. Also I feel like a lot of people seem to be of the incorrect opinion that Lucas and Peyton are the core couple in the show and they clearly are NOT.

100% agree. I didn’t actually start watching OTH until it was already about six seasons in. I binge watched it whilst sick with what would turn out to be whooping cough. I loved Brooke’s arc.