
You forgot “...interviewed BY A DUMBSHIT for dumbshit television...”

I’m sure that person would have no problem with Satanist statues in public places just as a reminder that Satanists have existed throughout history.

Half expected the Prometheum Armor to make an appearance here.

Full disclosure - Jaws is easily in my Top 5 favorite movies.

The comic didn’t work because 99.99% of the dipshit cops using the Punisher logo have never read a Punisher comic in their lives.

The fact that the Archdioese of St. Joseph sounds like they REALLY WANNA pull up on Trump’s ass after this stunt is all the proof I need that this man is getting buried in the worst way possible when the time comes.

Well well, punk ass bitches do what punk ass bitches do. Be punk ass bitches. Is this yall king, magas? He’s a bitch. Putins own messy wanna be dictator. Shit is sad AF for our country. 

Cut him some slack. He was in the middle of a costume change.

What a weird expectation to have for Dune. 

I’m sorry, but if dude was expecting some light-hearted space romp, he’s clearly not read the book.

The part where the female zombie explains how they’re in constant agony and NEED to eat to feel something other than pain still gets to me as an adult. Genuinely terrifying to think about.

I really can’t recommend most of these enough but especially Return of the Living Dead. It is probably the best representation of the mood that permeated most of the 80's for a lot of people, especially the youth. It’s just so sleazy and rebellious and utterly nihilistic. “The world is going to end because of disease,

This is a good idea, and here is why.

Heavily vegetable-topped pizzas can have a lot of water on top if they are prepared incorrectly; and cutting said pizza will lead to a box so soggy that the pizza falls through it onto my shoes which WERE flyknit Nikes and now I have hot pizza water BURNING MY FEET and that’s how

if i’m paying $250 for stuff i’ve already seen i better be getting 4k clone wars, rogue one, solo and both ewok movies in this bitch as well

Serious question: Trump has gotten away with everything else, including impeachment, so why would COVID-19 be any different?

I’ve heard that Gen-Z is a lot like Gen-X (their parents, mostly), which is great because we could really use a grunge revival like now. I still have all my flannel. 

Look,there was a period of American history where a vaguely Fabio looking dude playing Saxophone was just about the sexiest thing and it just so happens that period coincides with the Schumacher Golden Age (1985-1995, SEF to Batman Forever).

Send in our #1 guy on the matter: Pence.

I’m not saying there’s 100% no way Huawei put backdoors in their tech ... but there’s 100% no way they didn’t put backdoors in their tech.