
This dude definitely jerks it to extremely weird porn

You hide your bitterness well. 

I had a Sega Game Gear for which my parents also generously provided the official Sega external battery pack. I distinctly remember one time going with my dad to the DMV to renew his license and playing Sonic with that heavy-ass battery clipped to my waist band while he waited in line.

Jesus Christ. If the internet had been around for the first Star Wars they never would have made a second one.

I read that whole quote. I’m pretty sure I lost 10 IQ points as a result.

Also, they conveniently forget how many Republicans were talking about impeaching Hillary months before the election.

Maxine’s statement is the perfect rebuttal to the Republican talking point that “some of the Democrats started talking impeachment the day Trump was elected!”
Well, duh. When a habitual grifter and criminal who either personally or his businesses have been found guilty of fraud and other crimes numerous times is

Then, of course, there’s the bizarre yet beautiful arrival of Reeves as a talking sagebrush, there to provide “sage wisdom”

As a Gen Xer, I just want to point out that I was anti-Boomer way before it was cool.

They all are. I mean Opera clearly looks like a Vagina.

I mean look at this! It’s obscene!

Im sorry but what in the actual hell is this article? A sperm? That’s a stretch, by a long shot.

No, THIS Buick:

This Buick:

It makes me think of something a buddy once said years ago upon seeing a Black Eyed Peas CD for the first time.

Well... that is a movie trailer. That’s about the best I can say for it.