
$5 says he’s ‘pro-life’ too.

They’re not even competent at giving non-answers or dancing around an issue! How did they get to where they are?

How fucking conceited and oblivious do you have to be to type that and hit SEND? Do white people have to insert themselves into everything?

Oh for sure, and I hope in my initial comment I was clear that I don’t support Trump, I just want to try to understand how the other side will respond before I say something. A well thought out argument, while doesn’t always win, makes me feel better about speaking in the first place.

There’s a difference between making money from speaking at events and making it from, you know, exploiting your influence over domestic and international policy to turn profits for your various private companies.

Legitimately not trying to start an argument, but did the Clintons not profit VERY well while Mr. Clinton was President? If I remember correctly (which isn’t a sure thing), they earned upwards of $100 million from speaking engagements alone. This is by NO MEANS an argument FOR Trump... but I’m just thinking of ways my

The ironic thing is, he lost billions of dollars when the economy was doing pretty good under Clinton.

I came in here to shit on whatever song was picked, but Africa...yeah, that sorta makes sense.

I was going to see this regardless of how the reviews turned out. I’ve been enjoying the hell out of these, and been surprised on how good they’ve all been!

They’re not quite the high-end Stranger Thingstoys we all desperately want,

“The threats are more varied, and definitely darker and more menacing.” Hold on.... I know a hero.

I’m just kind of amazed no one made the obvious connection of having Wonder Woman use some kind of prototype Amazon tablet.

This article (or at least the headline) is really, really bad advice for anybody who lives in a city or suburb. Local governments have written laws explicitly addressing this. If you fail to mow your lawn and keep it at a reasonable length, the local municipal government will show up at your house and mow your lawn

Jupiter has RINGS?!?!?! What have I been doing with my life...?

We have to build a wall...

The “long ago in a galaxy far away” was a lie and these films were training us for the star wars going on right now. Movie goers will be drafted.

LOL...i kinda like Marky’s ape movie...but like my complaint with NewBSG, 
i just wish they called it anything BUT Planet of the Apes.

When are you guys going to fire Trump and hire The Rock?