
Whenever I start feeling like I’m a little too cultured and high-brow, all I have to do is read a round-up like this. The fact that a 37 year old woman would be crying with laughter over poop stories proves that I will never really grow up.

Calm down there, Satan.

“How many clams for the 65" TV?”

I saw it a third time and was just as excited about it as the first two. One of the few instances where I’m glad there’s not a decent bootleg of the movie online, because the theater experience is top-notch and so worth multiple viewings.

It would make more sense to say he’d restructure our tax code so that Apple couldn’t hoard $35 billion overseas.

+1 infinite

I know this is a little off topic, but I just wanted to say that you are my favorite author on the Gawker Network. I always love your articles.

That’s the Hip Hop Trooper. He’s is awesome.


I applauded (in agreement, not joy) and cried at the same time when he said that. He hit the nail on the fucking head.

Actually Starbucks started on Kepler-452b and spread here.

No! The flames will melt the ice!

You’re right, do not walk out onto ice to retrieve your drone.

Oh man, all of the arguments about if Rey is overpowered or not. “But she had no training and Luke did!” “Luke only had, like, five hours of training, so does it really count?” “In the books, Luke trained more!”

Star Wars: The Force Awakens was a giant Xmas gift to geeks because it gave them something massive and new to worship, overly examine, conjecture upon and fight about, which are the things we love most.

Windows 10 is at the very least equal to the OSX. I use both and still prefer Windows 10 for most tasks. You want to see hell, go back to Windows ME or Vista.

You know what I’m a serious fanboy and I have to say this was one of the dumbest moves that they’ve ever made. Seriously just move it to the front of the mouse so you can use it like a corded one if the battery dies.

11:30 show. Was up till 3 telling the internet how great it was! :D

Haha, for me the best (funny) moment was the Jedi Mind Tricked Stormtrooper: