
I’ll reserve judgement until I see it though.

You had me at Rocketship Forest.

Seriously. Seriously.

This was already too much.

just before going inside the apartment to rough out the reporter.

Ray heads to his second job, as it were, sucking on bourbon in his car and tailing the reporter that’s writing the corruption series. Oh wait, he’s not tailing the guy. He’s putting on a ski mask and breaking into the guy’s house to make Frank’s wishes known with his fists.

I was going to complain about portrait mode, but the effort for a perfect title frame makes up for it.

I was watching Episode 3 of Daredevil last night, and got to wondering (a) who the fight choreographer is and (b) what other movies/shows he’s working on. Turns out his name is Philip J. Silvera, and he’s currently working as fight choreographer for a little film called Deadpool (and did the same for the sample

That’s almost kinda impressive. Not sure I could flip a car given the same circumstances.

I sincerely hope your nickname isn’t Porkins.

You’re right...Super Dave Osborne is a legend.

Tom Cavanagh will continue to be a regular on Flash is all I am prepared to say.

(Flash movie) I think you guys will like it, it’s kind of a different take on superhero stuff.

The DC movie universe has enough to overcome competing against Marvel, does it really need to compete against itself as well. For heavens sake you have a good thing going on TV with the Flash, don’t undermine it with a confusing unconnected yet same character movie. just make the movie Wally West or something and move

Chris Pratt in real life is really just Andy Dwyer, isn’t he?

That’s not a very reassuring comment about The Flash movie version. It doesn’t give me confidence that they have much of a clue.

I’m going to continue to not watch this show.

I just realized that the two titans caught by Zoe in Attack on Titan are called Sawney and Bean. Considering that all the titans want to do is eat humans, it’s a pretty apt reference. The more you know! Thanks Cheryl, great article.