
As much as I love sharks, Discovery actually went and jumped one. I'm out and searching for something a little more scientific. Like Sharknado 2.

Now playing

I know who did this. There is only one person who can create perfectly round holes like that.

I bet this guy knows something about it...

I feel that. To make matters worse: which planet's years is the Doctor referencing? Is converting them all to his own, or to Earth's 365?

At the risk of sounding contrary: how much relevance does the "number of years old" value have to a time traveler?

Me and this movie, again...

Sketch before painting. Trying to work out the kinks.

Making a small run of They Live - LAPD Officer -

Reimagined versions of every ship from the classic Wing Commander Universe!

Maybe he's sad because he doesn't have his Super-Umbrella.

I'm gonna be making ape puns like bonobody's business.

I can't wait to see the new film. The trailers have been very orangutantalizing.

I read E.G. pretty late, so I was already aware of that twist.

I know...I know...the speciesism in that galaxy is off the chart.

I'm part of the fans that guessed that twist pages before, however the execution and repercusions of the the Twist in story is so awesome that I don't care.

The Moment: Obvious

The Moment: "My God, it's full of stars!" Although Dave Bowman doesn't actually say those words in the movie 2001, he does in the book and in the movie sequel, 2010. And anyway, this is the bit where Bowan's EVA suit enters the Monolith and he encounters something truly unknowable and alien.