
I just really enjoy the silence right now myself. Is Joe Biden my favorite candidate? Nope. Is he working his ass off in the background rather quietly getting a whole bunch of shit done to help try to bring us out of several disasters that were created by an inept and unintelligent charlatan? Yep.

Yeah, the general theory is that you go blow the money on some food and stuff, but also spend it all in the economy to jumpstart things again. I’m not happy with Biden caving on this either. I’m really not happy with moderate Dems punking out as well. Chumps!

The following is an excerpt from the moment I read this headline...

“Anything you can do, I can do shittier. I can do anything shittier than you.”

Here Here

It doesn’t matter what you say. It’s true. Even if she were capitalizing on it or whatever people want to say...who gives a shit? To be honest, I’m more frustrated reading another damned story about it than anything else. You wanna call this a stupid attempt at virtue signaling, go ahead. I was just pointing out that

She made a bad decision. Zero doubts about that. You know who else did? All the self righteous assholes giving her such a ridiculous amount of shit.

What is going on with these crazy fucking white people?

Disbar him...NOW!!!

Ummmm, it’s “Rick” Schroeder guys. C’mon. Fake news!!!

I would definitely say you’re on the target when it comes to those owning those military style rifles and/or a cache of guns. Personally, I own a shotgun and a pistol and I’m not a gun nut, nor a bitch.

I think the thing is that we, as humans, need to quit using our eyes and start using our brains to experience beauty and love and desire. It’s not simple. We’re silly animals after all.

Just go vote. Pretend everything’s like it was in prior elections. Go to the polls. Vote. Leave. Don’t wear political garb. Don’t rally. Don’t march. Just go vote. If someone tries to stop you, call the police.

What in the ever loving fuck? I’m so sick of this shit, but I bet not nearly as sick of it as African Americans. I’m disgusted by this video and this behavior. I know it happens, but we’re seeing it more and more as everyone has a recorder on them of some sort. Unacceptable is the nicest way I can put it. I’m so

Agreed! Wholeheartedly.

Fuck this guy. I cannot understand why he’s not gone...immediately.

Dude’s a joke. It was a happy day when he moved his ass on out of Kansas City. You can imagine the excitement of white guys around here calling in and being able to express such thoughts and ideas under the guise of being a “thinker”.

When I was in Junior High and High School (at a Catholic School my mom sent me to) I read the Bible multiple times. I don’t know which Bible this dude and people that act like him have read. I really don’t recall any allowance to scream in others’ faces and throw tantrums like this. What a loon!