
When I was in Junior High and High School (at a Catholic School my mom sent me to) I read the Bible multiple times. I don’t know which Bible this dude and people that act like him have read. I really don’t recall any allowance to scream in others’ faces and throw tantrums like this. What a loon!



Well, not this white boy. I know several other white folks who will not also. This turd is an embarrassment to humanity in general.

“Hey, remember when Ellen’s career went into the shitter the second time?”

I don’t feel guilty. I recognize a problem and I strive for it to be solved.

You’re correct all the way.

Everything his worthless ass says and does has an ulterior motive. He doesn’t really give a flying f%$k about the flag and this country. He’s trying to incite anger in his mindless lackey followers. That’s it. Kneeling is a sign of respect and a symbol that something wrong is happening. I can’t think of a better way

I gotta be honest in saying that, other than working and raising my kids right now, SMDH is all I seem to be doing as a white Midwestern male. I’m so embarrassed of a lot of other caucasians.

This is just so damned embarrassing.

As a fifty year old white guy in the suburbs here in the U.S., all I can say is.

Yeah, DaFoe was pretty amazing in Lighthouse for sure. Pattinson was great as well. Great film.

Yeah, DaFoe was pretty amazing in Lighthouse for sure. Pattinson was great as well. Great film.

I’m so embarrassed to be caucasian at times. Ridiculous!

If your pizza doesn’t have some “juices,” well I’m afraid you’ve been depriving yourself of good pie my friends.

Who’s empowering this turd? Seriously.

KINJA354 code isn’t working FYI.

KINJA354 code isn’t working FYI.

Weird! I thought Star Wars films were entirely fictional stories about space wizards and lazer swords.

This whole thing just plain sucks. We’re idiots out there. What a hateful and drunk assed sounding woman. I understand why he slapped her.

I think the only thing you can do in this situation is apologize. I was a little shit pretty much up through my early twenties and I am deeply sorry for things I said about folks with mental disabilities, sexuality, different skin tones. I really am and I make it a point to help support people of all types these days.

Now I love him even more.