
Well Kara, rest assured the N.R.A. is on it and they’re providing the families of these concealed carry permit owners plenty of help during this hardship.

Thanks for this fantastic piece sir.

I have a tough time trusting someone who plucked out their eyebrows completely and has to paint them on now. It’s right up there with catface from too much plastic surgery.

Fuck this kid. Fuck his rapist friend’s dad. It’s bullshit.

Oh Houston, you so nasty!

Lazy assed Cespedes back at his old tricks again.

I thought the technical foul call was silly, but he did double dribble. There’s simply no doubt about it.

I’m no Duke fan, but it sounds like this kid didn’t learn a thing from what was said to him by one of the winningest coaches in NCAA history. So, apparently, the kid’s just another 21st century basketball douchebag.

The only unforgivable thing in Bea Arthur’s career is the Star Wars Holiday Special and that wasn’t her fault. She did what she could with the material.

I’ve said this for a while now. I think it’s all a scam. I still hope that nothing’s changes and that the GOP is just royally screwed. All those bible beaters preaching hate speech and acting like lunatics just standing there duped...I wanna see it.

No, his VP was the warmonger silly!

Poop stories and Auto-Correct situations gone wrong are the greatest things the Internet has ever invented.

I was first married to the wrong person for 6 years and then tied up in a relationship with someone who had no intention of staying together for about 2 years (I took a break in between the divorce and this other bad relationship for about 4 years).

Guys, call him by his correct name...Lucifer.

First off, E.Coli has to do with a local contaminant. It’s not something that can be present in every location they have. I know I expect too much of the American populace when I expect them to look into things before jumping to conclusions.

Yeah, this is exactly the order I chose after seeing The Force Awakens.

I’m in tears at my desk.

What’s so sad is that it all comes back to what Avery says on a phone call from jail early on in the series. “Poor people lose all the time.”

As I write this, I’m attempting to ditch regular Coca-Cola and Energy Drinks. I’ve cut back to 1 of each daily. I was at 2-3 E.D.s and numerous Cokes per day. I’ve been more depressed than usual and extremely uncomfortable in general.

This series is a rough one to take in no matter what you feel, as far as Avery’s innocence or guilt, and it depicts a flawed system. Regardless of the murder trial and all that, Mr. Avery was (obviously) wronged in the case he ended up spending 18 years behind bars for. In the meantime, a career predator walked free