Art Vandelay

Quit spoiling Season 7 of Mad Men.

Myself and everyone else in my office was pretty taken aback when we heard this news this morning. Though I didn’t love all of her works she definitely had a huge imprint on young architects.

You sound just like my girlfriend. Has to finish every video game or book or TV series before she can truly move on.

Can we all agree to set a limit to the number of surnames in your firm’s name (no rhyme intended)? I think four is my limit.

I’m an architect who has worked on concept renderings for clients and I can tell you that we often like to have fun with them and throw embellishments like people, cars, wildlife, foliage that will make us laugh even if it’s a little impractical or unrealistic


This makes me laugh so much because the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) campus is directly north of the predominantly Latino community of Pilsen... Not sure if that was intentional or not...

EA Sports UFC Cover curse?

I don’t think barging into a Cheesecake Factory and yelling ‘Of course the Redskins paid they white man!’ to the hostesses is the same, but I see where you’re going.

I was at Burger King this weekend (I ordered a Whopper FWIW). The guy behind me ordered two hot dogs but told the woman at the register to ‘put them in the microwave for a minute each’. She looked a little confused so he rolled his eyes and repeated in a voice that clearly conveyed he didn’t think she understood

Damn, I’m going to miss you Greg.

Oh no! The Earthening! It’s happening!!!

I’m from Chicago but I’ve got family in rural northwestern Wisconsin and its still uncanny. I’ll have to scour the web for the full show.

Just wasted spent a half hour watching all their videos on YouTube. Totally worth it, thanks for sharing that.

Except that Valentine's Day is so close to the Super Bowl that I don't know which is more of a correlation. The NFL may have had an ad campaign that was not only really awkward but just incorrect.

Vicki’s Husband: classy

Can you guys put ‘spoiler’ in the headline when you leak the next season of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia?

Is that you Kevin Kiley?

snoop-a-loop: Beats me.