Kyle Ryan

Seconded on Koufax. I liked It Had To Do With Love & Social Life quite a bit.

That might be the closest thing we'd ever get to the truth.

Yeah, and so much of it is straight-up bullshit. He totally dismisses Chris and Paul's contributions to Ministry, which is infuriating. And he has incredibly inflated sense of his band's success.

When I was working on this book about industrial (like 2009), I went to a KMFDM show, and it was all 30-40+, many of them still trying to squeeze into patent leather outfits that didn't fit their bodies anymore.

Totally. I loved Chris' book. Al's not so much.

Funny you mention that: They asked me if I thought Womp It Up needed a "last time on Womp It Up" prologue before the episodes. I said no, because the storylines are so crazy, it'd probably only cause more confusion.

Hey, I have wire frames and no facial hair in this video! Also, John wears ties a lot, so that's not gonna work.

Totally. Coming up through the punk scene, I was already sensitive to that, but having a daughter increased it so much.

Yeah, that's my approach too. I'm not trying to steer her too much into anything. I want her to like what she likes.

The feds haven't said if it's a separate investigation from the one concerning Russell Taylor.

The A.V. Club guidelines say a Simpsons reference has to go in every story.

Yup, could be clearer, sure.

It was goddamn genius, and Subway only played into it by tweeting how offended they were.

When I was looking for images in Getty for this story, there's a shot of him in a red bow tie from some (Red) event. That photo alone could get him convicted, at least on the internet.

Yeah, in the film, her childhood friends and first manager tried so hard to reach her, but for a variety of reasons, they couldn't.

We like to pretend we're vice cops working the beat. (Changed.)


Oh thanks for this; I wish there were a trustworthy place to fact-check lyrics.