Kyle Edgecomb

I had trouble accepting Emma will be gone….I can live without Snow and Charming, their story has run its course, Belle I felt makes sense……i mean surely Rumple once again for the 10th time, has betrayed Belle, so makes sense for her to do the right thing and bugger off. Zelena….well I guess its safe to say her story

Nooooooo!!! I was really betting this one would at least get a second season! Damn it why do they always cancel the best shows……damn it people watch this more!

So what colour will the captains lightsaber be?

To be honest, I really wish some Force Awakens characters like Maz Kanata or that old guy from the beginning (his name escapes me too often). Surely they are alive….its like what, 35 years between Rebels and TFA? Hell we havent even had that Rogue One connection yet

Uhm wow….you really need to look up what canon means. Canon and what fans percieve as canon are two verh different things. Its true you dont NEED to watch all 6 seasons of TCW and the current 3 seasons of Rebels to watch the films, however its still OFFICIALLY apart of the canon of Star Wars. The 2003 cartoon Clone

Or Chesters Mill……or Springfield!

You think Steven would get annoyed with Peridot moaning when he tries to sleep…its bad enough Pearl creepily watched Steven sleep

Has she even stole candy from a baby?

no more episodes till september!? Awww…..why did they show us they premiere this early then…..we still havent seen Rex!

Honestly, I'm more into the whole thing with Ahsoka and Vader. I mean, she just found out her former master is a sith lord. I expect we might see Obi-Wan at some point……I mean, Ahsoka is going to want answers.

I personally enjoyed those stargate movies

David Tennant?

its just a publicity shot for advertisement. Although Scorpius was apart of the crew in season 4 and crais was on and off in moya throughout seasons 2-3

might we also mention how peter tried to commit suicide and MEG gave him advice. Yeah I thought the jokes on meg were funny, but honestly, pretty much went too far with it now………

For all we know, diddely ned will probably be the one to be diddely killed

As much as i love family guy, brian and stewie seem to be the only ones to have proper character development. The meg jokes are getting worse, peter is only funny in his random moments, lois hasnt changed, and chris hasnt had an important role for awhile. Let alone character development. They really need to start

Burned out Herbert? Nah hes still funny, especially at his creepy moments

Brian was always a douche though

I think they should just a spinoff thats mainly about brian and stewie, that would awesome

The episode was…..okay but its an average episode. The songs were funny, aw well, next week hopefully we wont have such stupid songs, and maybe Brian will actually come back into the show