Kyle OReilly

It’s finally happening! The PS1-era resurgence we deserve! This looks extremely up my alley (though I admittedly never finished the first Links’s Awakening inspired one).

Everyone in my family is pretty casual in teh smash games except one brother who insists on turning off items and randomness and all the things that make the game level out for different skill levels just so he can wave dash and murder everyone.  E-sports mentalities stink in couch multiplayer.

I too am rooting for them because they come across as a studio with the best intentions but man, things are not looking good for Anthem going into launch and I feel like a free-to-play shooter (from the same publisher!!!) going viral and dropping a few weeks before launch really doesn’t help.

The director Cory Balrog is insanely open for a dev and has given a ton of great commentary and interviews on the game. I’d recommend taking some time to YouTube they give great insight on the development process. In one (with NoClip’s Danny O’Dwyer I think) he talks about how they originally planned a lot more boss

It’s an insane how they managed to iron out every noticable annoyance in the Battle Royale genre and even ones you didn’t even notice bothered you!  I never even thought about how ammo wasn’t color coded well in other games until I saw the bright colors in Apex.  If you’re playing on PS4 add me some time so we can get

Tbh Kingdom Hearts 1 is probably the high point in the series.  Nobody had any idea how convoluted it would get and both the Hikaru Utada song and the main theme are bangers.

Metro is the little AA title that could. I played the first one when it came out and thought “Boy that was fun.” and assumed I’d never heard from the franchise again. Last Light didn’t have the atmosphere as good as 2033 imo but I’m looking forward to Exodus... when it’s on sale probably. They’re really games about a

Bangalore and Wraith are the two hot items I always notice. It’s rare to see a squad without one of those two.  Meanwhile I probably see Caustic once a blue moon both because he costs 10 bucks and nobody wants “poison grenade” guy cuz that’s lame.

Still playing Apex Legends and loving it. I said it somewhere else online recently but I’ll say it here too, the people playing this game are still so nice it boggles my mind. It lacks the toxicity I ran into in Overwatch (“You’re picking *that* character!?!”) or the general aloofness I’ve met in other shooters.

I felt similar and moved to Pathfinder. It’s a different kind of contributing and it’s also a way more *fun* character than Lifeline. His Ult is mostly just a big convenience when navigating and his zipline is more fun than useful (unless you’re a pro which neither of us probably are) but it’s fun to try support

I don’t know if it’s because we’re too early on for people to scoff as they do in Overwatch “Oh my god you’re picking *that* character” or something else but I’m utterly amazed by the positivity and lack of toxicity I’ve encountered playing this game. I’ve had great interactions playing with strangers with no mics

One of the many benefits of all this is nobody has to pretend to like Manhattan anymore. I was a contrarian teenager in 2004 when I said it sucked and it was the only thing I was right about as a contrarian teenager.

That’s crazy how long a lifespan they’ve ahd because I always look at it as “this is the guys who gave me Gears of War 2 and then they went to this?  Huh.”

It’s a lot of fun, download it! Use the ping system as much as you can (looking at things pressing R1 and having your character say “somebody come pick up this shield kid”) and always stick by your team. Lifeline is the medic and is a good class to play as you figure out the game.  The guns are confusing sort of

I would wager it’s a mix of game developers going for broke with 100 GB install sizes (looking at you Red Dead 2) and Console developers knowing they can sell more consoles/make more money if they offer a cheap low storage model and then a big pricy 1 Tb model.

Saw that in my feed while absent mindedly looking at my phone and making tea last night. Good stuff man! I said it there and I’ll say it again here; over the top ragdoll physics are a gift from god.

I have noticed with the ping system that natural squad dynamics will tend to come out. A lot of times the first person to ping a spot to the jump master is enough to convince them that’s where they should land and I also notice at the beginning of the match when you have people pinging different plans of map

Damn, we’re a long ways from the good old Resident Evil 4 days of “knife them in the kneecap and then karate kick them 100 feet” being the tried and true method of killing a bunch of zombies “Plagas”.  RNG is usually enough to get me to throw my controller, or quit games all together (looking at you Hearthstone) so

The insane thing about Final Fantasy 7 is that it is the first time any of those background artists had worked with 3D software and yet on their first time out they created some of the most *cozy* background art in any game to date. Even this throw-away house in Costa Del Sol has so many little details that just make

I too have been playing Apex Legends and boy I didn’t expect to like it this much! I found Titanfall 2's single-player a blast but it’s multi-player underwhelming so wasn’t expecting much but this game has blown me away! It takes all the best parts of the genre and shakes up some crazy new additions. Who knew classes