Kyle OReilly

Ban week is good but this one is bad. It’s basically Eugenics™ the article. This is Nazi shit.

No, entering a project that late in would be difficult even for the most skilled of filmmakers. If the next movie he makes sucks then it would prove Age of Ultron wasn’t an aberration.

Well that’s a shame. I’ll still go and see it.

A great example for the d-bags who like to say “Kotaku is just clickbait.” Good stuff.

Hooray, Patrick! Thanks for the review, and I really like this perspective - Just as the real Assassins dissolved in time, so must this series, and frankly this would be the perfect way to end it if they didn’t need the money and they finally created a mode that properly explores the historical setting. I’m very

all you had to do is read past the second paragraph

Since we’re speaking in hypotheticals, I’d kill a muthafucka who tried to take my son to be reared under the guise of collective “anything”.

Definitely Super Mario Maker! Pulling assets from multiple Mario games, unifying their structure, and allowing players to not only “skin” their games however they wish, but actually having those skins change Mario’s abilities (wall jumps, Power Meter, etc.) according to the assets lets each one retain their

I’ve been playing Rise of the Tomb Raider, and it’s really fun. This is my first Tomb Raider game ever, new or classic, and it is not nearly as puzzle-blighted as I feared. Back in the day, a friend of mine showed me a bit of Tomb Raider 2, I think, which involved some incomprehensible room with some boxes, and then

This Castlevania mod is an excellent illustration of how our copyright laws are used. First, we have id Software that released the engine behind DOOM to the public domain, giving anyone the freedom to build their own creative works based on theirs. It’s a great way to promote creativity, something copyrights

The Ceaseless Misery of Recent Existence: I’m considering giving this up after hating it all year, but they keep releasing expansive updates that drastically change the context of past content.

Well, the honeymoon couldn’t last forever.

Still playing Wolfenstein: The New Order. Still having fun. Although playing it on Uber-difficulty has turned out to be quite hard at times (the submarine level). Currently back in London and I’ve heard the bosses coming up are really difficult. Might jump down in difficulty if it’s too much.

Still playing Super Mario Odyssey whenever possible. I’m going back through the kingdoms following the main quest and picking up new moons. My general method is to basically hang out in each kingdom collecting as many moons as possible until I get bored or I’m ready to move on to the next one. I’ll come back for the

I’ve been playing very little this week, and that will likely continue into the weekend. I got stomped again in Stellaris, and haven’t gone back yet. On the bright side, I seem to have successfully taught my father how to play the game - mission accomplished? I just installed Rise of the Tomb Raider, which I had

I finished DOOM on Ultra Violence and it was a fantastic ride. The game is so insanely polished and the gunplay feels so good it’s hard to think of ways the core of it could be improved. The only thing I kind of didn’t like was the collectables hampering momentum and also not having a new game + mode to start over

Oh, I like that term, “double culture filtration”.

Whoa, this is a fascinating take. I’d never encountered a term for that phenomenon, though I’ve definitely been aware of it given my consumption of foreign takes on American cultural icons.

Well put on the commitment to being scared, as Gone Home gave me chills on a number of occasions as my wife and I played through a few Halloween weeks back on the TV with the lights off. The bathtub and the Ouija board note gave me chills, but the ultimate scare for me was the light bulb snuffing out after I picked up

I think RE7 was there series first straight up horror game. They really turned up the spooky shit in the first half of that game. Even though the last section of the game turns back into a regular RE game, the shifted perspective still makes it feel different. That being said, I think RE: Code Veronica is my fav