Kyle OReilly

Just finished summer vacation in Persona 5, and things are really flowing after the lull around the time of the third palace. I think that not only featured a lull in the overall plot (and kinda a dull dungeon), but also coincided with lull points in the various social links before their plots started playing out. Now

I imagine I will get a bit more done in Persona Q, and I was more than a little relieved when the game opened up more after the completion of the first dungeon. It’s still not quite as expansive as a Persona game, of course, but it feels much more robust than a main line Etrian Odyssey game (though I’ve yet to try

Fellow Gameologians, my schedule is really not cooperating with my desire to participate in these threads!

This weekend, I’m also playing A Hat in Time. I registered my Steam key and everything, but I want to have a chunk of a few hours to sink my teeth into it, so I probably won’t start it until Saturday.

I’m running the raid tonight with some friends, including people I met here on the AV Club. I really wish we could get it down to 90 minutes. I think at this point, now that we’ve done it, we can complete most of it pretty quickly. But we’ve yet to actually fight the boss. I think that’s the goal for this week.

Serious question. I have no idea who Fantano is or what his videos are like, so what specifically is wrong with this article?

I’ve been following Anthony Fantano for years and I stopped following him when he started his anti-SJW “meme shit” with his thisistheplan videos. I’m disappointed that a man who helped popularise bands like Death Grips would make content that goes against the message of bands like Death Grips.

I also would recommend you find some time to watch OG Bladerunner as it is a classic that has aged gracefully

I’m excited to play this.. there were a couple of levels in Dishonored 2 which I would tout as among some of the best designed levels of all time, and it’s a shame the game came out amidst an incredibly impressive array of other “incredible” games that seems to have forced its “very, very good” into obscurity.

I’m also

Maybe it’s because I’m a girl but I think Beth Smith (or is it Sanchez again?) is so fascinating in that she’s got all of her father’s worst qualities - the drinking, the lack of parental instincts, the irrational attachments - and the toxic, sexist part of the fanbase seems to recognize those as flaws in her, but not

The more I think about it, the more I’m coming around to the idea of DOOM on a hand-held. I was agin’ it at first, but playing it in a darkened room with a good pair of headphones might actually be a really fun way to experience it.

As I said in the article, I own and play my Switch in handheld mode constantly. I love the damn thing, and I love the act of playing games on it. My point is, I just don’t think that particular method of play is very well suited to a game like this.

I certainly didn’t expect to see precocious children featured prominently in this Wes Anderson movie!

Rank the Wes Anderson direcrted movies:

Emma Stone is in this?

Yes, sadly DOOM 2016 does start to plateau near the end. The first 75% of it has fantastic pacing, as it seemed like every fifteen minutes you encounter a new environment, or a new weapon, or a new enemy type. By the final stretch, there’s nothing you haven’t seen before. It never stops being fun to play, but that

I’ve queued up a night of high speed fun in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe for Monday, September 18th. Get on your bikes (only!) and ride at 9 Central/6 Pacific! The code to join is 5136-1758-3659.

The Fire Emblem Heroes gods are merciful. After a long summer of striking out with the Summer heroes, I was able to snag every

After finding it very cheap, I decided to give Mafia 3 a go, and as the old travel writing cliché goes, New Bordeaux is a land of contrasts.

Plan is to get in some more QT with <b>Destiny 2</b> this weekend. I’m light level 265 so itching to take a crack at the raid (or at the very least the nightfall). Hoping to play with some fellow Gameologinauts. Anybody else sitting on step one of the Rat King quest?