Kyle OReilly

With the announcement that the NES Classic was discontinued being the last straw, I finally caved bought a raspberry pi and set up a RetroPie machine. I got all my NES roms loaded up last night. At first I thought I would just make it a clone of the NES Classic and do their 30 games but then I remembered games I

I have something like 120 hours in Spelunky on Steam and still think about buying it for PS4 just because I miss it. It never goes on sale though and I missed when it was the free PS Plus game of the month.

If you're playing great NES games for handing back and forth don't forget to throw Ghosts n Goblins in the mix. That game is the perfect pass and play.

This generation has been so crazy jam packed with quality stuff that you should be able to find something good. I don't know what Gamestop is charging for Just Cause 3 these days but that is always my go-to recommendation when people are looking for overlooked gems. It really didn't get the love it deserved when

The game definitely benefits from couch co-op. I think it was Griffin McElroy who said that taking the time to explain the logic of the puzzles to someone who had just popped in to watch you can often give you the perspective needed to suddenly click with it. It's such a great game and the fact that it has the

Here you are again taking a game that I had written off, in this case as "the worst parts of AAA open world game design but wrapped in a pretty shell and with tight controls", and sold me on it.

Sounds like Prey is a good game that is suffering from poor Publisher handling… kinda like Dishonored 2. I hope that the game sells well and that Arkane Studios doesn't end up taking some heat from Behtesda like IO Interactive did from Square recently.

Let me know what you think of that game. I found the atmosphere to alternate between Hellboy levels of "this is good Lovecraft stuff" and "okay this is almost self parody Lovecraft stuff". Also I was playing on a console and having to read all the tiny text was probably making me grumpy.

I came this close to getting GNOG, but like the other wacko indie release on PS4 recently, Everything, I held off. $15 isn't even that much but I'm such a maiser when it comes to games these days. Instead I picked up whirli-snake-rainbow-sim Hohokum for $3 bucks and have been having a good time with that. Albeit

Love Half-Life but hate the end of it (that final boss…), so F.E.A.R takes the hoot crown in my eyes.

Steer accelerate jump item (and if you hold back on the stick you can throw items backward). I think there's also a brake reverse button but you don't really need it. The hang gliders are floaty but yeah, it's supposed to be like a paper airplane sort of feel I think. Also, squids are unavoidable but I do think

The beats are like familiar sitcom bits. I get a kick out of looking ahead in climbing sections and trying to guess what bit is going to randomly fall over.

My advice in the world of PC gaming is don't go too hog-wild. I remember when I got my first gaming capable Windows machine back in 14 and went nuts buying everything that ever went on sale on Steam or GOG and then playing most of them for like 15 minutes before moving on to the next thing I bought in a sale.

That was a long gross, sinewy way to get to a Zelda joke.

Commit to the winner in there and go with F.E.A.R. That game is a hoot.

I couldn't even beat Dancer solo in a "I'm gonna level the hell up" run so that's flippin' impressive. I do empathize though as gimmick runs (is that an unfair term?) do seem punishingly difficult in a series that's already punishingly difficult.

Just Cause 3 is a bit of a technical mess but if you can handle fluctuating frame rates every so often you are in for one hell of a fun ride. I consider it to be 2015's Sleeper game. So much content such a beautiful world to explore in a lot of interesting ways. The fluidity of the movement is the real draw, and

How long did Abzu take you? I remember I didn't set aside the time to do Journey in all one sitting and I felt like it detracted a little from the expereince doing it in short bursts instead of one long… ahem… Journey.

Oh dawg, no, no dawg no. You gotta stay strong on the guides for the Witness. I remember pulling my hair out at the greenhouse too but when it clicked it was such a holy shit moment. That's really how every one I solved was (though I left Tetriminos' color swamp, forest, and bamboo garden unsolved).

I'm patiently waiting for a console release on Mr. Shifty but I am glad that the murder crazy Hotline Miami series is getting it's own micro genre now. I know there's a crazy one coming out about a gorilla as well.