The Wedding is probably the Witcher's best contained little story bit.
The Wedding is probably the Witcher's best contained little story bit.
I've heard that us base peasant-station 4 owners get the short end of this game but how bad is abysmal. Does it really turn into a slide show like some people are saying?
Remember where Nintendo used to have a system where if you bought enough of their games digitally they'd throw you a bone like Super Mario Land 2 or Metroid II on virtual console. Now all they give you is a 20% discount on Star Fox… smdh.
I also wanted to love Galak-Z but found it awkward and the whole having to start an episode over from the very beginning if you get killed kinda biffed it for me.
It's actually surprisingly good for a second playthrough too to follow the much sadder and more hidden dad-storyline.
That's dedication. I really like the Akrham games but I had patience for about three riddler trophies per game.
Yeah the story in GTA V really goes nowhere and it takes a long time to go there. Seeing as the map is unlocked from the get go and cheat codes are a still a thing rockstar implements, you can still get a hoot out of the game by loading up on weapons and driving around the map shooting shit though. It's a very well…
Stealth builds are the easiest ones to while away hours with because a dungeon that would take 15 minutes as a bruiser Orc takes about 30 minutes as a stealth build. So much more fun though.
Nerd boner!?! There are children seeing that film you monster.
I've hit that crazy time of year where I've done swooped up too many games in too many sales and now I have too much good stuff to play.
I sometimes get stuck on puzzles in basic ass games like Link's Awakening so I've been cautiously attracted to the Witness but also incredibly intimidated. I hope the game goes on sale for Playstation's wacky holiday event so I can justify spending 7 or so dollars to see how dumb I really am.
Surprised the dude with the big boss via Simpsons avi is just now getting around to MGS V though I can't tease ya as I've put it off myself.
This was a roller coaster ride! Loved it! Good write up man.
I have a friend who was a lifelong devotee to D&D but for [BLANK] (James Bond being his favorite variant) to the point when we finally got a college D&D group together he didn't really have any idea how to play or get into the regular medieval wizards variant.
I used a USB SNES controller on the old emulator I used to have running on my macbook and really enjoyed it. Consider giving the USB N64 controller a go:…
Brawl is the awkward stepchild in that series. My hyper competitive brother hates it for all the randomness they added in (slipping and tripping is never fun) and the character roster didn't really add anyone amazing (though in it's defense neither did the Wii U version which just spammed Fire Emblem characters).
I tried to play the multiplayer on the Remaster recently and couldn't find a game after waiting for upwards of 5 minutes. I'm assuming everyone playing right now is high-level and that messes with matchmaking.
Still enjoying Animal Crossing New Leaf though I hit what I might describe as the most melancholy moment of the game so far. (spoilers?) So I had a Meow Bucks quest to go and plant trees. I never really visited the Sloth's shrubbery store but now I had a reason. I came in two days in a row and nabbed some spruces…
What I found most upsetting is that Nick is still watching Luke Cage. That show is pretty pretty bad. I only made it to the barber shop shoot up and then noped the heck out of there.
As a cat lover, I'm still gonna pick this up and much like my cats I'll probably spend 75% of my time calling it garbage.