I guess my hopes for at least the same level of Dragonball Z-esque CGI buffoonery I got in MoS are gone.
I guess my hopes for at least the same level of Dragonball Z-esque CGI buffoonery I got in MoS are gone.
I meant between the two consoles. My little lappy could probably handle it but it's hard drive's pretty much packed to the brim with Civ V Expansions and pirated King of the Hill episodes at this point.
But the real question is did you kiss that dweeb Warren, or put him in the Friendzone where he belongs with a hug?
Martyr Logarious as hardest Vanilla Boss? Well, huh. I guess everybody has different experiences. I can't pretend to gloat though because to tell the truth, I just gave up and never beat the Orphan of Kos. Getting the timing right on all his moves was so damn difficult and the damage he could do was insane. You'd…
The Shadows in Mergo's Loft should be pretty gimped compared to the boss fight ones and not have as many moves that go long distance. It's really about engaging them in either groups of two or solo if possible. Also, you can technically run right past all of them if so inclined.
Search Google for "Punch Club". Oh that looks cute. See how deep the rabbit hole goes.
Congrats on the new job and good luck on taking on the Advent or whatever the evil bad guys are called in XCOM 2.
God bless that amazingly frustrating game. If you didn't know Derek Yu, the guy who created Spelunky, has a book coming out about what it was like developing the game. It's through some print called "Boss Fight Books" I think. I'm pumped. I love me some Spelunky and kept up on the daily challenges for well over a…
scntfc did the soundtrack for Oxenfree and the dude is an audio genius so I've def got my eye on it but who was expecting it to be an Xbox One indie exclusive. I didn't even know those existed.
I beat Life is Strange Episode 5 and thus the whole game. The last episode was pretty good if a bit spotty in some parts.
Kate's roof access is one of the many many many reasons, High Schools should not have dorms, but I understand why Dontnod implemented it as it'd be a pain in the butt to render every student their own house and have Max keep breaking into them.
I was onboard with Alan Wake until that ending and then the lackluster DLC. You gotta give them credit at least though for trying sort of creative ideas even if they feel obligated to wrap it all in the wrapper of a bad NBC pilot.
Is Conquest where you play as the Imitation Japanese Samurai or the Sexy Evil Holy Roman Empire?
you're thinking of the Long Dark buddy. That's the one where you're in the Yukon with nothing but some pants and a box of matches basically.
I'm finally moving on to Chapter 5 of Life is Strange. I know the game has a reputation for a shit ending but I'm on board so far with everything so I'm trying to stay optimistic. Chapter 4 was pretty good except for a few things that bugged me.
I'm busy gosh darnit so haven't really advanced much in Life is Strange. I beat Chapter 3 which was pretty good. It definitely had the strongest romantic overtones of between Chloe and Max yet whether they are intentional or not but I also gotta give the game a shout out for having a lot of the episode consist of…
I was no fan of the heavy handed "BLANK will remember that" but I think I prefer it at this point to Max second guessing herself after every single decsion she makes in LiS… but then again she's a teenager so maybe it makes sense.
Yeah, what kind of gifted Arts high school has preppy kids and a football team? I can't tell if Blackwell is a school for the gifted sometimes or just a regular high school with dorms and a really good photography program. Also, this is why High Schoolers shouldn't have dorms!!!!
The Gamecube Paper Mario (thousand year door) is really just a masterclass in great mechanics and hilarious characters. It's surprisingly lengthy and even more surprisingly hilariously written. Kudos to that localization team.