You going to see the Billy Elliot stage play? That show rules. I caught it in Chicago way back in… 09? Loved it.
You going to see the Billy Elliot stage play? That show rules. I caught it in Chicago way back in… 09? Loved it.
I've heard a lot of people say Scholar of the First Sin is even better than DS I but I've never given it a try. I'm hesitant to have to play all the way through DS2 again. DS2 was good, but it's probably my least favorite of the Blood/Souls series.
That's a hell of a Wikipedia page that Nazaire raid has but I've got it queued up.
I'd briquette my britches if they re-released it on PS4. Just the Horse animations alone in 1080p would be worth the price of admission.
Until Dawn is a hoot and it is the perfect game to play with people who don't have an interest in video games. Other than the wacky immersion breaking Totems (this is how you might die teenager so sayeth we the Native American Spirits!) it's basically a pretty competent Dimension Films style horror movie that people…
I miss winding down with obscure JRPGs when I was a kid. Like you said though, as I've gotten older I expect more from my games and less grind-y aspects. It's tough to justify going through the same battles over and over when your game time is limited as an adult.
If I had my bought my PS4 only to play Bloodborne I feel like I would've got my money's worth. The game really does live up to all it's hype. It's so damn good.
Just Cause 2 is a great game but it becomes an even greater game once you download some mods. The Superman flying mod and the long-distance grappling hook mod completely change the game, turning it essentially into the best super hero game never made. Check them out. You won't regret it.
That's a frickin' classic right there. Report back when you reach the incredibly addictive arena-battle mini game. It's a trip.
Solstheim was such a bust in my vanilla game. It's like this grey barren dirt-hole. Not to mention those ash guys were much higher level then I felt they should've been. If you finish it you're a better man than I as I gave up on it.
I have Wheels of Arelia I also need to get on it.
I bought Old Hunters for Bloodborne and I love it! That is all.
This weekend I'm chasing down Bloodborne's hidden bosses. I'm obviously holding off on fighting Gerhman because I want to use this character on the DLC, but I've already knocked off Castle Cainhurst and Martyr (more like Farter!) Logarious. It was a really interesting environment and lorewise I thought it had some…
Yeah, I can't think of a single high-profile Western Media Hindu-backlash. They've been cool with Simpsons' having a white guy do Hindu stereotypes for like 24 years too.
Not enough love for Rocket League down here in the comments. I don't think I've actively worked as hard at mastering a game (though I'm still far far from actually having done that) than I have with Rocket League. And while the upper echelons of skill in the game feel much less intuitive (rocket flying still doesn't…
While it fully fleshed out it's sidequests one could argue it didn't shy away from wasting your time in the main quest, ie with an incredibly involved search for Dandelion, making him the most hated character in the game for me. I get it! He banged a lot of women! Can we just get to the Spectral Elven Hell Knights…
Hell yeah, I'm glad somewhere out there there is someone else who loved Grow Home. It was a free game for PS Plus users and they all threw a fit and trashed it despite it being an adorable little rock-climbing-robot-sim. Game deserves more love.
That game needed a better middle for your captain and his ship. You could scrape yourself up to the point where you had a decent amount of supplies then you looked at how much a lot of stuff cost and you realized that you either had to go online and look at specific trade routes or grind as hard as you can and maybe…
I think Gamestop still has it for $20.
I would say that horror is never the number 1 emphasis just the overbearing tone. And it does come back in unexpected ways as others have mentioned. As I'm sure you know there are many mobs you can simply run past until you leave their "area" and are safe. On my repeated runs to try a certain boss I was running…