Kyle Nuss

Why would you air episode 11 at 8pm on Thursday?

I still like Zach Braff.

Damn, this show is fantastic. My favorite joke last night was when Dwayne was explaining the town holiday. I literally died laughing. This show is so damn good and keeps getting better every episode. Also I really like the chemistry between Lithgow and the actor who plays Josh. I really feel that connection between

I normally don't watch Speechless as my parent's don't seem to like it very much (I personally think it's better then the norm) but i'm glad I watched this week. This episode while funny, took a surprising turn as I never expected this show to really dive into JJ's disability in this way. It's actually kind of

Again, I have to state that Last Man On Earth is one of the best shows on tv and also one of the most frustrating shows. When this show is on point, it's fantastic. When it has an episode or two (aka the last two episodes) where you have pretty subpar episodes or an overdose of Tandy, you rethink why you like this

Topsy is one of my favorite episodes of the series. There is a line in that from Gene that makes me laugh so hard everytime. It's right before the show and Gene tells Fischoeder and Gal "We're gonna go out there and show them if it's not Man on Elephant love, it ain't worth singing about."

I still feel if Sit Down, Shut Up got a 2nd season, it could work out it's problems and become a great show. It was underrated.

The Crawl Space episode was when I was convinced this show had something special. It might not be the best show on TV, but it's pretty damn funny.

I just googled it and watch a 7 minute youtube video made up of clips from that show. Yeah, the male anchor reminds me a lot of Colbert and the woman I feel doesn't have the best delivery. The jokes themselves are pretty bad. I might of chuckled once.

That is fantastic. I laughed pretty hard. Thanks for sharing.

Damn, LMOE The fact they killed Lewis was stunning. I mean when they started playing the music, I felt something was gonna happen but I didn't think they would actually kill him. This show is surprising and loves to take risk and that's what makes it one of the best shows on TV. Even when it doesn't work, the fact the

Not going to lie, I was hoping there would be a picture of the feminist bookstore from Portlandia.

Good to know I wasn't the only one looking for the new Baskets recap

Well the show starts in 2020 with Phil believing he's the only human and it picks up two years after the events. So this should start this year to next year.

Well it's not the first time this show has surprised me but I love that this show takes risk. I do feel it's weird this late in the show we see the beginning first hand but better late then never. Loved the President joke in this. That was fantastic and the fact they just skipped to Pence was even better.

I actually believe that 100%.

That line about Donald Duck being a daring adventurer actually is one thing i'm excited about for the series as it would be good to see Donald get a bigger role and actually be a real adventurer instead of a bumbling goof.

It sucks this episode ended on a cliff hanger because I don't see this show getting renewed. Still I feel once this show hit the Christmas episode, it really started to find its footing.

Alan Tudyk is the best thing going for this show at the moment. I see lots of potential with the cast. I hope the episodes pick up and we get a 2nd season. Also I love the intro of this show.

Superstore isn't a bad show. It definitely has it's moments but I feel the characters are kind of weak. The best parts of the episodes are anytime they cut to the stuff happening in the store. It's not a weak show but I think it can be better.