Kyle Nuss

Not going to lie when Eleanor comes out and we see Michael smile I was like "No, it's a fake out. Their not gonna do that. Then Michael kept going and I was like OH FORK." One of the best mindblown twist I have seen from a TV series in a long time. This needs a season 2. One of the best new shows of the TV season and

I'm not the biggest fan of this show but I watched this episode because of the topic and this blew me away. Well done to Black-ish. One of the best episodes of TV I seen in a while.

Would of been nice for Fox to advertise Brooklyn Nine-Nine is on tonight

Hey, I liked The Weeding Ringer

I just recently watched an episode of Last Man Standing and my god it was cringe-worthy bad.

This headline is fantastic. You deserve all the hits for it.

Anytime this commercial came out, I knew it even when my eyes weren't on the tv. How you ask? Well because that stupid Rise Up song would play and MY GOD it was annoying as hell.

You forgot People of Earth which has been a fantastic little series. Steven Universe and Gravity Falls ONE episode.

As a person who has been watching this show and thought about dropping it, this episode has got me back on board as it was their best episode of the season.

For a 30 minute comedy, I feel as of lately the best episodes were when it focused more on the drama side. Not everything in this episode works and I feel the Melissa storyline is just not working. God, I would hate if that's the last we see of Gal because that would be a bummer. I love anytime we can get Tandy and

A Red Band trailer for a show that is going to be censored? This show looks awful and is going to be cancelled. I can't see this show lasting past the first season. It's way too mean spirited for Network.

This was a really sweet episode and this show in my mind has contended for Best New Show of the year.

This is slowly becoming one of the best new shows of the year. So far The Good Place and People of Earth are the two best shows of the Fall season.

Oswalt wasn't cranky on Parks and Recreation though.

Tell you what, we been getting a lot of interesting comedies lately that are different like Last Man On Earth, Son of Zorn, The Good Place, and now People of Earth. I really liked the first two episodes and look forward to seeing where this show goes.

Superstore is a decent show but it works with it's pairing of The Good Place. Just wish there was more story arcs. Also I feel they could work the characters better.

Well, to be honest I really don't see this show lasting past this season and as long as it ends on a good note, I'm perfectly fine with this show going one season.

This was a fantastic episode as this series just keeps getting better. The running gag of Janet giving Michael the cactus was hilarious. Same with the jokes about The Bachelor. I am a little sad that no matter what I do, i'm going to The Bad Place. (Hey, I like the Red Hot Chili Peppers)

Personally, I disagree. I love seeing a comedy like this be able to be plot focused and yet still be funny. I feel this is an interesting story with great characters that I don't need the show to go off and do something else for an episode. Basically i'm locked in to this show.

I really enjoyed this episode. There were some really good laughs, my favorite being the flashback of Tandy setting the fireworks off. I like that they are finally doing something with Melissa. The scene with Todd and Gail arguing in the car about Gail bringing Gordon with him then they both stop, you just see Melissa