
At the point Ned visited the Tower of Joy the war was already won. After the Battle of the Trident and Rheagar’s death Robert was wounded and unable to travel so Ned hurried South with their forces toward King’s Landing. When Ned arrived at King’s Landing he found the city already sacked by Tywin Lannister’s army and

Jeff Bezos brought this up in an interview a few weeks back, he basically said that they haven’t entered the tvOS ecosystem because they don’t want to pay Apple the 30% cut that is their standard fee for developers (Amazon famously operates on razor-thin margins) and they only like to be on platforms that allow

I’ll throw a vote in here for the tiny but stunningly beautiful state of Vermont. I’ve been to most parts of the country in my travels but nothing beats Vermont for my money... Photos from top down: Lake Champlain with NY’s Adirondacks in the background, Waterfront of Burlington, VT, Vermont in fall, Mad River Glen in

What an awesome story for Formula 1 to cap off a fairly eventful and entertaining race. Full credit to Verstappen for a great drive, showed a lot of poise for an 18 year old when he was under fire, but I feel like this race was handed to him after the Mercedes incident and some truly head-scratching strategy. If I’m

FWIW it was still the highest rated sporting event on cable networks this weekend, beating the NBA and NHL playoffs. Shame people didn’t tune in because it was a hell of a race, just an awesome show all day. There was great racing for the lead, passing throughout the field, a Talladega style “big one”. Overall the

Think there’s a pretty strong likelihood that the unseen gift given to Ramsay in the trailer for episode 3 is going to be Rickon. This will give the Boltons another Stark hostage and give an impetus for the “pink letter” from Ramsay to Jon. I look forward to the showdown between Jon and Ramsay that is certainly coming

George RR Martin has his faults, such as writing at a pace best described as glacial...but perhaps as a result of the long gestation period, his plot twists and story threads are usually nuanced and well thought out. My biggest fear now that the show has surpassed his story in some areas, is that the show runners will

Well the series went out of its way to send Melisandre to the Riverlands a few seasons back (when she went in search of Gendry) where she happened to meet fellow Red Priest Thoros of Myr who had discovered the ability to resurrect people with the “Kiss of Life” from the Lord of Light, they even discussed this power

I disagree, most (not all) people I know that purchased Apple Watch are happy with the device and quite a few of them are the farthest thing from Apple fanboys. My dad even ended up buying one and he can barely operate a smartphone. I’ve had mine since June and can honestly say I’ve worn it every single day. Is it

Former CSNNE commentator Kirk Minihane said that this was pretty well known to most at the network in a recent article for WEEI. Other media members have also indicated questions have been out there for a while about their relationship. I think people in New England generally had less of a problem with the Jenny Dell

Not sure the number of people that show up at a physical protest or limited polling is really representative of how much people care about this issue. First off I’m not sure most people understand the implications fully, if they did they’d be more concerned. Second, this issue goes way beyond “Apple fans” as the

It’s absolutely incredible that this story hasn’t gotten more traction in the lead up to the Super Bowl. The mainstream sports media LOVES Peyton Manning...their adulation is barely disguised. The contrast between the way this story has been handled and the farcical media circus surrounding “deflategate” last year is

As someone who is in the grocery business I do see some level of waste first hand but as other commenters have suggested the logistics of distributing food past its sell-by date are more problematic. The sheer size of the US is one barrier, I’d have to agree with the USDA that the costs of transporting this marginal

I’m not a huge fan of the caution clock idea, but is it really so bad to try it out on a third-tier series? NASCAR has historically done its experimenting in the truck series (such as racing on dirt) and this caution clock isn’t really so different from the mid-race “halftime caution” that was part of the truck series

I find it hysterical that New England had the fewest fumbles of any offense in the league in 2015 and one of their lowest fumble rates in a decade with all the new PSI testing after all the pseudo-science and accusations that were thrown around this time last year about the Patriots institutional cheating and the

So your position is that Burfict’s knee injured Roethlisberger’s AC joint after the tackle...not the combined impact of a 250 pound linebacker and a 240 pound quarterback landing on it? Duly noted

Burfict did plenty of stupid things in this game but the hit that injured Roethlisberger was perfectly legal and was in no way a “cheap shot”

That's not true, Siri search works with HBONow (or HBOGo), Netflix, Hulu and Showtime and will first direct you to one of those options if the title you selected is available..pretty handy. As other apps are added this feature can be expanded in the future as well

Interestingly enough, people in New England think that same thing about people from the South. Have you ever been to Mississippi, Alabama or Texas? The rural south makes even the most remote northeastern backwater seem like Harvard. Also along those lines, New England is home to the vast majority of elite learning

Speaking as someone who actually liked the prequels, I still think these changes are for the better. I think there’s a lot of good in the prequel movies that was just kind of cheapened by some childish humor and cartoonish characters. In some instances it seems like Lucas felt he had to hold the audience’s hand and