
This was a phenomenal game so it just sucks that the officials had to make themselves part of the outcome. Even if you despise the Patriots you have to admit they got absolutely hosed in a couple of huge spots in the 4th. The part that made it really galling was the way the officials stayed out of the way of a great

Is there anyone on this planet more unlikeable than Ted Cruz? It’s really remarkable how smarmy he comes across when he is delivering one of his rehearsed stories during debates and it’s virtually impossible to see the smirk on his face without wanting to punch it. He absolutely scares the hell out of me because

I used to think our election cycle was too long here in the US...but I’ve come to believe it is necessary. If we conducted the whole process in a matter of weeks or a few months like some countries do, our exceedingly dim-witted and uninformed population would impulsively choose someone like Donald Trump to be

It should be noted he was paid for 15 of those 19 games however

After showing off his woodsy masculinity by blasting a captive pheasant at point blank range with an overpowered weapon he posted a picture of himself and an aide doing laundry at a laundromat in Iowa because he’s also a #realguy who’s just like the rest of know, except for being a batshit rube with medieval

It’s funny to me that this is exactly the kind of thing NASCAR, fans and the media clamor for when nothing is happening, and then when it does they act outraged. NASCAR will be upset about it and then use it in every promotional commercial for the next 3 years. As for the incident..I was floored when it happened, but

The Patriots are in everyone’s head right now...the Jets having the locker room swept for bugs, the Colts feeling they need to run complicated trick plays and onside kicks, the Steelers crying about radio issues even though both teams were experiencing them, the Ravens bitching about the completely legal formations

Yeah I would think the smaller storage size will be fine based on how Apple utilizes the storage. As you said the 8 GBs the older models had were sufficient because it is largely a streaming device that used that space as a cache to store purchases and downloads while you’re using them and then purge them when you’re

He’s like the real life version of Joe Dirt..when I saw his mugshot all I could think of was Dennis Miller saying, “Now, you’re telling me you were so ingrained with white trash DNA, your hair actually grows in on its own all white-trashy like that?”

I’ve found it most useful for quickly selecting/highlighting text, the way it worked before with the “magnifying glass” was precise but time consuming and at times pretty annoying, definitely an improvement

- Finally finishing Black Mirror

My favorite part of all of this is that Mike Tomlin had to listen to Scott Zolak for a quarter. He’s trying to talk to the coaches booth and instead gets Zo yelling out, “Unicorns and Show Ponies!!” — But seriously though...if the Patriots are the evil geniuses everyone is making them out to be do you think they pull

What he wrote really isn’t the point, though I happen to agree that the article made a lot of ridiculous paranoid accusations without a shred of proof or any names attached. The point is he made an informed an fairly innocuous observation and ESPN removed’s shady behavior at this juncture if nothing else.

I mean...Bill Simmons is a colossal douche...but isn’t he kinda right here? ESPN published an “investigative report” that essentially rehashed a bunch of shit we knew 8 years ago and added in a bunch of quotes and details from more “anonymous sources” to go along with the sour grapes routine that guys like Bill Polian

You hit it on the head with this one. It’s nearly impossible to have a rational conversation about the Patriots because many fans (and ex-players in the media) have a hard time accepting the fact that the Patriots routinely beat them like a drum. It seems like every fan base or organization they have beaten over their

Not all Patriots fans flatly deny any wrongdoing in this case, you’re missing the point. The point is guilty or innocent this was a complete farce, a speeding ticket that was punished like a homicide. And appearances aside the league came away from a multi-million dollar witch hunt with shit for evidence and still

You’re right that when cars kill people we blame the driver not the car...but you still have to pass a test to drive a car, and register it with the government and have it inspected for safety...the basic measures people are proposing with guns. I don’t think anyone is advocating for the complete illegality of

This is a fairly predictable development, but even with a lower standard for determining guilt I just don’t see a lot of merit here. Walking onto an active racetrack that is poorly lit.. during a night race..wearing black to confront a driver still participating in the race and then blaming the other party as

I think he’d have better luck with the briefcase full of cash he used last time. **Spoiler Alert**: This Colts DVD ends the same way as last year’s...with the team getting their shit kicked in by the Patriots. Special features include a scientific treatise by Ryan Grigson on the “Ideal Gas Law” and how a first-half

Pretty clear the bad information was from the league office here, no? As the Patriots’ counsel pointed out in his pleading emails to Jeff Pash urging him to correct the false information: 2 parties had the information about PSIs, the league and the Patriots, and obviously the team wasn’t the one talking. Obviously