gotta disagree, current Simpsons is by far the worst animated thing on tv besides Family Guy/Cleveland Show.
gotta disagree, current Simpsons is by far the worst animated thing on tv besides Family Guy/Cleveland Show.
They had me at drawing on heroes and villains from the X-Men's past, present and future. Then they lost me.
Weird, this is being panned...yet it's modeled almost exactly like God of War which has like 5 games now and is still a media darling?
Okay, you just described an awesome game. Take notes, Volition!
oh hello there. Its a 14 year old kid peeps.
Congratulations, you've allowed the status quo to persist. The industry model that the press always complains is so broken that an industry may die is upheld. A console manufacturer tries to change this, to develop a different model that has the POTENTIAL to help clean up some of these problems and you have an…
More like people won.
Xbox lost.
You mean a 180...
If this is true? Holy shit.
Also, while, IF TRUE, I certainly applaud Microsoft for pulling their heads out of their own asses, it still won't be enough for me.
I'm looking at you, Kinect.
But, I think these changes, if true, will change the landscape of the upcoming war. I wonder who will form the first entente?
Microsoft built the means to block used games within their own infrastructure. Sony did not.
Microsoft's doing it on a system-deep level. You can't avoid it. It's mandatory, unavoidable, and entirely making you, the customer, jump through hoops.
Because he is talking about the sale of used games... not DRM.
Publishers have the right to do what ever they want with the additional functionality of the used games (ie EA's online pass)... BUT the system will not have a DRM system in place to put any restrictions on a disc. Publishers can't choose to limit the used…
How? It's the same as what we have now., because it's not required to be online? So the most DRM they can do is what they can do now - Online passes.
lol, look at everyone freak out.
Yea, it's the exact same policy that the PS3 currently has.
So let me get this straight. If you never need to be online to play a game (a promise Sony made of every game played on their console, not just 1st party games, right?), then there's no way for a publisher to enforce any kind of limitation on you.
Before everyone gets stupid, Sony said they weren't changing anything with the DRM, and that's apparently true.
Even now you get idiot companies like EA with their DRM codes to unlock content one time, and other bullshit like that.
Sony can't promise that publishers won't keep trying to do that type of stuff. That's…
In other words if they want to add an online pass or make online requirements they can. So like last generation?