
Until i see an art major take Differential Equations, Cal 1-3 and theory and stats plus linear algebra like all the other STEM subjects do. Art doesn’t belong in STEM, just like any “soft science.” I can’t wait to see what happens if/when Japan goes through what they are pushing. I know we (USA) would never go for

Thats a male body-builder with Willem Dafoe’s face pasted on

So her opinion is only valid if the starting lineup matches up precisely with the ethnic demographic of the United States? Should there be more handicapped people? Elderly? You know who’s underrepresented? Men. Where are all the men? They make up 45%

To each his own I guess. Me? I prefer watching Kobe dribble for 15 seconds in isolation, slowly trying to back the defender down as the eight other men on the court stand around doing nothing.

It looks like he’s playing a game of “Hot Potato”... or what the kids back home in the Congo call “That Brown Thing That Can Feed My Village for a Month”

Relax, Robert. You’re not a Brown yet.

That’s quite clear. A big thing on Jezebel is about being able to wear whatever you want and still be respected. Unfortunately, the real world doesn’t work that way. Also, this isn’t about wearing sexy or provocative clothing, this is about wearing a fucking meat dress.

Good one.

I think Hillary has disclosed alot of her reasoning. I am with Hil tho because there just isn’t a single Gaga song I care if I ever hear again. It’s pop, it comes and it goes with the zeitgeist, which is also how someone who dresses up like a parade float convinces everyone she is the shit.

oh you could so be me :)

David Bowie is respected as a musician. Many don’t respect Lady Gaga as a musician.

You can call her fashion artistry; it’s certainly more creative than her music. And that’s why she’s more well-known for her fashion than her music.

Prince or David Bowie etc. never wore things as ridiculous as Gaga. Also, Prince and David Bowie are music legends with way more talent than Lady Gaga. (Please don’t try and disagree with this or you will just look ridiculous).

But there are lots of women who are respected for their music and didn’t have to wear a crazy costume to be noticed.

It’s undeniable that her wacky image has been a huge part of her success.

Maybe. But she’s complaining she isn’t respected for her music. My advice would be that if she wanted people to focus on her music she should put the emphasis on her music and not her costumes. The problem for her is that her trite pop music is a dime a dozen and what differentiates her is her image.

Does Adele complain about not being taken seriously? Nope. Maybe that’s because she doesn’t wear a freaking dress made of meat.

It IS true but it doesn’t *ring* true from someone who stripped naked and pretended to get fucked for an R. Kelly video some two-three albums after she became a mega-star.

She’s in the music club.